All about The Journey Of Flower aka Hua Qiangu, the TV series

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There are 2 versions of this series; the Hunan TV version which is shorter, more episodes and about 15 minutes ahead with possible more or lesser scene and the Uncut version which is longer per episode and is about 15 minutes slower. Uncut doesn't mean it is not censored. I am following the Uncut version, so all the videos for download and recaps are based on Uncut version. The subbers at Viki is also following the uncut version. Please take note of that.

All pictures are thumbnails, even if animated images so do click on them for the original size!
Don't bookmark specific posts except for Episode Reviews because they're dynamic; I will often update the post with latest date, so better to use and you can always find the link in the sidebars.

I welcome comments, I welcome spoilers so post away. I mean I already know the ending!


28.10.15 Written by Funn Lim 17 Comments Post a comment
News and updates of general kind for this particular blog and for this particular series. Your general thoughts and ramblings are most welcomed. 

This is part 1 of the Official Still series. Part 1 is still being printed.

This is the one I like the least. Poor print quality despite HQ photos, exceedingly slow, side already peeled a bit and so much chemical smell. And the worst is the designer software where it was the hardest most difficult to use, hence you see some huge mistakes which I did not see in the proofs. But I love the quotes I chosen.

And so here is the final book before I close the chapters on this series, literally until some leaked videos show up again;




This is part 2 of the Official Still series. Part 1 is still being printed.

Looks good but made a mistake with the positioning of the quotes.




I received my HQG Fan Arts photobook today and I have to say, I am in love with it. Quality is excellent because the originals were all huge. A few small mistakes with alignment and text is sorta big but other than that, wow.

The cover is hardcover, size is 11 inches X 8.5 inches landscape. Price is not cheap. Bought with coupon at Groupon  PLUS 8 additional pages still had to top up RM30 plus. So worth it! This is a keeper even if got some alignment mistakes.





I have said and wanted to make a series of photobooks for this series and I have 5 books pending. Mainly to check out several printing companies out there since most are rather cheap.

Well, Part of my photobooks for HQG has arrived. This is the BTS version split into two books because cheaper than doing it in one book. 40 pages, 6 inches x 6 inches in size all for RM5 plus delivery I think RM12. Cheaper than printing yourself and less the hassle. I went mad a bit with the font size thinking the book's gonna be small, must be able to read but the book size is actually decent. I can actually carry them in my handbag, albeit a medium sized handbag.

Book 1 Cover

Book 1 Back

Book 1 inside
You can see the difference in print quality since one picture is better quality than the other. If they all had been great quality, it would come out clear. Now some are quite grainy despite its small size.

Both great quality

Some not so

Book 2 Cover 

Book 2 Back

Book 2 inside
Right is clearer than left

Books 1 and 2 together

Demon God kiss scenes
In Book 2, 4 pages worth!

Quite satisfied with them. Can't fault the book binding and paper quality since this is reputable company. However I would have wished for smaller text font (my fault) and making the pictures all at least 3 times brighter since this is matt paper and tends to print darker (my fault). I did make them all 2 shades brighter!

Coming soon is my Fan Art book which is bigger, hardcover and I expect that to turn out great. Now I am just afaid the font may be too big.

Still ongoing is two more books, this time solely on the scenes from the series. That will be smaller than my Fan Art version but in landscape mode.

I am wondering how anyone could print from instagram or facebook when picture quality is worse than these. The best is using DSLR cameras.

C-dramas is well known for having many variations of a title thanks to the fact that they really don't have any English title most of the time. Not The Journey Of Flower or I shall call it The Desecration of Holy Immortal Bai Zihua. Anyway it is Hua Qiangu or The Journey Of Flower. Pretty clear except now what is confusing is the many versions you will soon see. Let's count shall we?

1. TV Hunan 58 Episodes version
2. Uncut 50 Episodes version
3. Coming soon Iqiyi 54 episodes version
4. Ciwen Productions official website's deluxe 50 episodes version
5. DVD version (international)
6. Uncut original 54 episodes
7. Taiwan version
8. International release version

Only 1 and 2 I am sure what you will see, those I call the 1st Broadcast version. The rest whether it is uncensored/uncut/unedited/undeleted version with the kissing, hugging, everything.. I don't know. I really don't know.

Now there's a rumour that there's a 54 episodes or something UNCUT version out there where someone released and deleted. Probably where those screencaps come from, the what I call studio version ok? Someone out there has downloaded all of it and is not sharing. All I see is screencaps and blurry ones. Come on people, if you wanna be a "pirate" be a proper one. No more blurry pictures. I want clips! CLIPS! It seems it is easier to find a celebrity sex tape or nude pictures than to find the clips I want to see. Stop the pictures if you can't give clips. Enough of the promo ok? Or just bloody send me the torrent file. Yes best way is torrent.

And since I have zero influence and friends in China, sorry, all you have for now are very blurry clips with some ugly frames around them. Is it so hard to ask for clips?

Meanwhile, I am sure we will continue to have leaks and all that to keep interest alive and then BOOM! DVD version and let me guess... same old same old.

I am not pervert but I haven't seen a Wallace Huo super passionate kiss since... I know when.. but the point is, here is a series with all the 50 shades of white that puts 50 shades of grey to shame and guess what? Filmed but edited. No more excuses and finger pointing Ciwen (the production house)! Better release the FULL UNCUT UNCENSORED UNEDITED VERSION!!

I am tired. Let's move on.

I can't. I CAN'T MOVE ON! Because you tease out there is making me very very very very very frustrated. So that's how HQG feels with her shifu.

Well well well, series is ending this Monday. What a journey. So we shall finally know..

1. Does BZH lose his immortality?
2. How does he regain his immortality?
3. How will HQG be revived?
4. Will she be amnesiac or will she remember?
5. What happens to Mo Yan, NMT, SXM, SCQ, SQM, MXL, Qingshui and the likes?
6. Will the dead killed by her be revived?
7. What happens to Zixun?
8. What will the final scene be?
9. Neck biting scene in?
10. Kissing scene in?

I think most I know the answer already. But we shall see!!

There is an official soundtrack for this series which you can buy CD version or download from Itunes. I plan to get the Itunes version. See the Facebook post;

 List of songs/music;

The CD.

This news is not so much as that there is a soundtrack but with this release in English and Chinese, it gives hope there will be a DVD version for the uncensored full version somewhere down the line with proper English title. Maybe comes bundled with this CD, perhaps?

Let's hope.

Because then someone will cut those IMPORTANT scenes and make into one nice youtube video!

Anyway if you find this in your local CD store or anywhere online store OR in itunes, do tell. Apparently it is not easy to find in Itunes. I have yet to search for it.

Can't find it in itunes. Can you?

Found it! Use "花千骨in search field and go to Search field and you will see lots of results, mostly books, scroll down and find the following:-    

Dear lord! USD15.99! It is so expensive! It is too expensive! I see the usual price range is between USD6.99 to USD11.99 by established artistes. Sorry to say, even if this is a CD, it is too expensive. I am willing to pay higher for the DVD but not for this.

TV Hunan version is rather consistent;

4 episodes per week.

Now we are at Episode 52.


31.08.2015 : Episodes 53 & 54
05.09.2015 : Episodes 55 & 56
06.09.2015 : Episodes 57 & 58 (End)

If there are no extra episodes added say like Saturdays, TV version is basically 58 episodes.

Now Uncut version is a bit unpredictable but the pattern seems to be like this;

30.08.2015 : Episode 44
31.08.2015 : probably Episodes 45 & 46
05.09.2015 : Episode 47
06.09.2015 : Maybe Episode 48 (End) Or it could be 2 episodes so ends at 49. Or if 05.09.2015 is 47 & 48, last episode may be 50.

So uncut is either 48 or 50, that's my feeling. Right now the speed is almost the same, Uncut slower by maybe.... 20 minutes? Half an episode worth?

Now this is not an indicator how many episodes the DVD release will have. But I won't put too much hope on uncut version as truly uncut. China doesn't have that sort of version like director's cut, theater cut, etc etc. I am just hoping get to see the searing kiss that everybody's been saying and that says Wallace and Liying couldn't stop kissing and didn't stop when director yelled cut, if you believe it because it can just be publicity stunt. And no, they're not dating. I am Wallace's unofficial unappointed unpaid unrecognised unknown un-PR officer and he just said to me via ESP that no, not dating Liying. Or even Tang Yan.


LAST EPISODE ON 07.09.2015
I read the series is ending on 07.09.2015. Like I predicted, 3 more weeks.

Right now TV version is at 46. Cut version is 40. Now assuming no extra episodes added...

Aug 23/24 : 4 episodes
Aug 30/31 : 4 episodes
Sept 7/7 : 4 episodes

This is difficult to predict because it has a tendency of showing 2 or 4 episodes per week. Assuming 4 episodes per week, TOTAL BALANCE : 12 EPISODES = 52 EPISODES. But my feeling is it will be probably 2 episodes per week so TOTAL BALANCE : 6 EPISODES = 46 EPISODES which doesn't make sense. So my feeling is 52 EPISODES or 50 EPISODES. I kept saying the official number is more for Cut Version and I WAS RIGHT!

Empress of China who had lot less things to say was far longer. I think the story can wrap up at lightning speed so I suppose it won't drag.

Get ready with your farewell party to the highest rated TV series in China ever!

You have never watched this series until you have seen the Full HD 1080p version. On my Ipad, it looks just so stunning, so clear. On my computer, looks amazing. I am sure it will look just as great on my 40 inch TV. Point is, it is stunning. The version I have is at best 720p which is already very good. 1080p that I have includes the start and end songs, so that's where Viki based their subtitles on. Those Full HD versions were posted in Facebook page and each file size is about 2GB. It is not the fastest uploaded version but eventually it will be uploaded. If you're interested, find them in the Download page. I will be adding the uncut and untimed subtitles later. Although the subtitles are a tad too fast, they're timed to this version. The one I usually uploaded is resync by me.

Please do yourselves a favour; watch the Full HD version. Wallace looks stunning. I hope the uploader finishes the upload. I don't even think DVD can  be that clear. Maybe Blu-ray. Wow.

Some samples, which does no justice to the clarity because difficult to capture clarity when everything is in motion.


Episodes 26,27,28 and 31 are the latest completed subtitles uploaded and links posted. Check and see if anything is different?  Because I tweaked the timing a bit and it now is much more accurate than the ones before. I must say is fast. They even now post TV  version for reason I am not sure why.

If you're wondering how come the episodic review stopped at episode 27 (uncut), it is because I was busy making this blog. Now that it is sorta done except for the font colour which is bothering me, I will watch later and recap the next 4 episodes for the next few days which promises to be eventful episodes. I am tempted to screencap every minute of them.

Check this blog for more info later ok?

Guys, due to the high volume of posts within the original post at point2e,com, I have moved everything here and recategorised the contents properly for easy commenting and viewing. I hope you like it this way. Your comments are highly appreciated. Any general comments you may post in here but anything specific, do post in specific post.

I am still updating the templates so give me a day or two and I will add in the widgets which will makes things much be easier to see.

Thanks again!

That was fast. My friend bought the pirated DVD for this series, 2 DVDs, about 1 1/2 hour each episode where it combines 2 episodes each 1 episode,  probably Uncut version, I do not know and about 20 episodes, so about 40 to 50 episodes, about right. Can you seriously believe that? Should I buy? Nope. I won't. I will watch with you guys, 4 episodes per week (TV version is now 6 episodes per week) and I shall go as slow as you guys! Why? Because I want to take this slowly.

What infuriated me was she said; Eh Wallace aged so much since Chinese Paladin III and he still so stiff in acting.

I had to correct her as I shall correct you all ignorant viewers. Yes, ignorant viewers.

1. Chinese Paladin III was about 8 years ago

2. Wallace is now 35, and he looks older because he is amongst actors probably per average 6 years younger and mind you, he still looks amazing in HDTV. Try TVB for definition for old

3. BZH is supposed to be stiff because if he goes emo now, what happens when he does go emo? Throw tables?

You see my friend is still stuck at the Qiong Yao era of acting where expressions of great acting is by throwing the table when angry, crying hard when sad. BZH is anything but these sort. I am sure even when he is mad with emotion, he won't throw a cup, more so a table. Her most favourite actor is Ma Jingtao, next up is Huang Xiaoming, so that will tell you what sort of actor she prefers and the sort of acting.

So please, before you pick up this series, even before you watch the 1st episode and if you're not familiar with Mainland China series, please throw away you misconception and preconception that;

a, shouting when angry makes for a great acting scene
b. crying until everything is out makes for a great tragic scene
c. just because someone is absolutely still and emotionless doesn't mean he is a bad actor
d. Huang Xiaoming is not the greatest actor ever. I find him perfectly mediocre and that is not such a bad thing.
e. Wallace Huo doesn't look old in this series. He in fact looks amazingly fantastic and exquisite.
f. And being 35 is not old, it is just that his costars are 25 on average.  He can still be an idol in my book and nope, there's no botox, hence the so called older look. His face is 100% original and in China, that is rare.

Until you agree on a-f, please avoid this series. You won't gain anything from it except from my venomous spit at your direction.

And just imagine Huang Xiaoming as BZH. He will perpetually have this small smile on his face and that mischevious glint in his eyes. Hardly BZH. And Huang Xiaoming is grand old age of 37. 37 people. And she dares call a 35 year old OLD.

Urghhh. I am ready for war. One bad word of my Wallace, you will see me unleash hell on you.

UPDATE : DO NOT BUY the pirated version. It is only until Episode 21 (uncut) aka "Xiaogu you have matured" scene. Ha! Incomplete! Told ya! 

Fans have been posting the ratings number in Facebook. I am not familiar with the ratings in China since I am more HK ratings. But I am told the numbers for this series, whether TV or Online beats the competition by a mile. It is in fact better numbers than last's year's biggest hit at same time slot.It is in fact higher numbers than prime time slot and mind you the show is on from 10pm onwards, and that is NOT prime time. For me that is massively amazing numbers. And I don't think it takes into account the unofficial online viewing like myself and many many others. In short, it is on course to be the biggest hit this year, if ever. I still don't get the numbers but I will do a HQG and trust completely those who knows.

Since Wallace is not in the habit of supplementing his income with ads and all, I do believe at least his TV price will increase and he may be most bankable. Maybe...

I wonder for the sake of argument, how does it compare with TVB? Let's hope TVB buys the rights, redub it and we shall have

Chin Guat - Siu Guat
Tzi Wah

etc etc

I will have massive fun with the names, something I believe TVB missed with Durian City.

I think I finally understand.

The ones with Hunan TV logo or labeled as Hunan TV is cut version hence by episode 11 it is showing scenes that the other version hasn't shown yet which means it is a cut version.

The ones with the Soho TV logo or labeled as uncut version is uncut hence at episode 12 it is still about half an episode slower than the other version. This is the version I am following and the one is subbing. I suppose this is internet version? Why cut it? I read at the end there will be a 10 episodes difference between the two. But why? I mean right now the uncut version's pace is just perfect for me.

Anyway just stick to one version but if you're watching Viki or downloading from here, it is the uncut slower version hence more Bai Zihua yumminess.

Try as I might, I don't know where I can store a torrent file. Asiatorrents deleted that 1 file I tried. So I give up. Instead I have uploaded each episode into 3 different sources (still ongoing). Filedropper and Uptobox are those with 20 days limit from last download activity. Uptobox is the faster downloading option. The 3rd option is 4shared which does not have 20 day limit, it has last login limit so that will last longer.

I will search around for a reliable torrent site until then. Anyway I am pretty sure someone will upload entire episodes in full HD soon. So if the subtitles files can still be extracted, all I need to do is to resync, that's all but that will be AFTER this series finished and the DVD version is out. Looooooong wait. Until then, like BZH and HQG, let us suffer a little for the love of this series.

I am watching and downloading and ripping and retiming and reuploading for those who has trouble streaming from main source. So far I got 4 episodes where the videos are fairly good quality and the subtitles I could rip from the main source. I don't think the youtube videos will pose any problem but the subtitles may be an issue. However as long as you don't go hardcoding them and sharing amongst yourselves and go visit the main source's videos, should be fine. The downloads are meant for you to watch offline and keep. I deserve no credit in the translation except only for retiming the subtitles which is a pain. I tried uploading to torrent sites but proving more difficult than ever. Eventually someone will reupload the full episodes in torrent file but minus the subtitles. Hopefully by that time I will have the full set of subtitles and I will upload those. Anyway look at the top and each file is in individual hosting sites valid for 20 days from last download. As long as someone downloads within the limit, it continues. Enjoy!


  1. LOL. I love your gif of the cat! I too will go to war to defend my Wallace.

  2. Oh & may I add, HXM face & his wife face looked so fake. I know what you mean abt Qiong Yao. I happened to watch QinHan & Liu Xue Hua acted in don't know what series, so drama! Literally yes bang table, throw cup that sort of thing. I wouldn't want to see Wallace (bai zi hua) doing that. It would be so out of character. He is not stiff, infact look at his eyes! If I have a shifu like this, I would be contented just cleaning up Emotionless Hall everyday & cooking for shifu (hahaha). Is ok, I dont need to go down the mountain & endanger shifu life. And oh, you surely must be kidding when you said HXM as bai zi hua? my opinion, nobody & i mean nobody replaces Wallace Huo. Didnt Fresh Guo Guo said so that when she first saw him dressed as bai zi hua, she nearly teared or did she tear....her bai zi hua from the novel came to life!

    1. Haha....Angelagakebaby and Huangfakeming are weird looking. Honestly, I find her "beauty" annoying. Just like Fang Bing Bing, the alien looking woman.

  3. No more updates on the Journey of Flower?? When will the uncut scenes leak? I am hoping that you have some clips of those cut scenes.

    1. The series has ended so no more updates. No more promotion. As for uncut scenes, let's wait for the DVD announcement. No one except Ciwen has the clips.

    2. I'm sorry I'm texting here super late - it's been years since you've started the blog but I recently watched the drama and now I'm going absolutely crazy wanting to watch their kiss scene..... CAN WE FIND THEM ONLINEEEE

  4. Lol. Love your rants. My exact thoughts. How dare your friend say that Wallace looks old? 50 shades of white and 100+ degrees of hotness. A bit thin now, but hell gain the weight back. Nobody else will ever be BZH just as nobody else but Christopher Reeves will be Superman. HXM as BZH....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. HXM lacks the elegance and sophistication to be BZH.

  5. love your book already. how many pages are in each book??

  6. Aiya, those who said WH is stiff does not know the character of BZH. I know that after watching this drama, is either you love BZH or you hate BZH. For me, I love BZH to the max. I rewatched the drama again & found that certain episodes were too long which should have been cut. I mean like the poison episodes, those were abit too long. Those scenes when HQG went to the Women Sect, those were bit too long & boring too. Instead those lovey dovey scenes of shifu/QG were cut! If anyone sees the uncut kiss scenes, please post it can, so that we can watch it too. I only wish for the last 2 episodes to be more complete. Meantime waiting for his new drama. I have been watching some of WH interviews, what touches me most is that he is a down-to-earth person who knows to 感恩 & that's very important in life. I hope he finds his right girl soon.
    Helena York : like your way of describing Angelababy/HXM. Too plastic her face especially.

  7. There are lots of kiss scenes in the book. Too bad the kiss didn't get shown on TV. I really can't wait for the DVD version anymore. I rewatched the drama again and again and toward the end, I keep thinking that they should let us see how BZH goes crazy and heartbroken, how MY saved HQG. too bad the Eng Sub youtube video was changed to private, had to watch through viki. Love your blog post. thank you so much for sharing

  8. Amazing blog about the series, where did you buy the artbook from?

  9. ^ Where do we get the book? I hope DVD releases soon ;~; having so many feels. If anyone knows where to buy the official DVD when it's out please do share! ^^

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I really want to get that book! Do you know where we can get it? By the way, Panda Pig, the DVD version is out on It's the Chinese cut version, I'm pretty sure....

  12. Really hope there will be an uncut/uncensored version released :s


Please avoid listing spoilers for future episodes. You can write those speculations and spoilers in the post about Speculations and Spoilers. No vulgarity. Other than that, post away!

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