There are 2 versions of this series; the Hunan TV version which is shorter, more episodes and about 15 minutes ahead with possible more or lesser scene and the Uncut version which is longer per episode and is about 15 minutes slower. Uncut doesn't mean it is not censored. I am following the Uncut version, so all the videos for download and recaps are based on Uncut version. The subbers at Viki is also following the uncut version. Please take note of that.
All pictures are thumbnails, even if animated images so do click on them for the original size!
Don't bookmark specific posts except for Episode Reviews because they're dynamic; I will often update the post with latest date, so better to use and you can always find the link in the sidebars.
I welcome comments, I welcome spoilers so post away. I mean I already know the ending!
Various posts on future episodes with some spoilers. If you know where I can find the videos where the GIFs are taken from, do use Post A Comment. All Episodes discussed in here are taken from TV version and NOT the uncut version unless specified.
07.09.2015 THE LAST SCENE?
The end is near. This is supposedly the ending, but I just feel since it is so long, it feels like a dream or perhaps something else will happen. And what is the significance at ending it at night? So gloomy. I don't know. In 2 hours we shall know.
The scar! Probably after the kissing scene. I am very annoyed how weak shifu is, so much tears. This reminds me of Tales From Earthsea when our hero is stripped off his powers and he became a house husband. Seriously, sex for him that sort. TRUE! I hate BZH is reduced to like this. Love is supposed to empower, not to belittle. I am convinced they're not meant to be together. And I can't see how after all the stuff she can go back to girly voice and says shifu like some role play unless she has amnesia and I hate that because she can't forget people's sacrifice for her. Well good for them I suppose. Sexy times ahead. Is this love? Is BZH in love or he is in love with the idea of not losing her and so decided well might as well? And if he is in love, his behaviour is like a child who doesn't want! DOESN'T WANT!!
The end is tonight. And so here are the last batch of future scenes...
Oh so beautiful. Wallace looking gorgeous here, like a beautiful pale woman. It is a compliment. No sign of that passionate kiss. There is no physical contact between these two except hugs in accordance to this series. The editing and the rushed episodes is quite simply killing this probably well made series. Now it just seems BZH is stubborn as hell, still calling himself her shifu so frankly it is as if he had never been in love with her but the scar and all are just purely sexual desire. HQG is just emo and all. What a way to kill the story. BZH is reduced to cry cry cry. If not for my greatest affection for Wallace Huo and the fact I followed from beginning, frankly at this point this series gets a D from me. It is not the directors' fault. I suspect censorship, HunanTV and their rush for Yuzheng's next greatest sin. And this is their golden goose, ratings winner, I only heard of extending series because of good ratings and this one is tops and is the only one where it is rushed to the end. Does it make sense to you?
And you will never see this (real or photoshopped? Will never know) ...
But you will see this ..
And more pictures of the final battle and assuming her death. That's Mingsheng Sword, that can kill and destroy everything and no return from that. So to have BZH use it is a bit too much. But to have HQG make BZH kill her is as cruel.
Since this series is ending today, I might as well embarrass myself by attempting to translate the previews. Not exact but in meaning and some I couldn't hear so I put the note about not being sure. But the rest I am quite sure.
HQG : So you especially rushed here personally to stop this, is it because you couldn't bear to see me die? Why don't we elope and I don't be the demon god and you could stop being the leader of changliu and we turn our backs from the world.. how about it?
BZH : Now is the time to prioritise the more urgent matters, don't lie to yourself anymore
HQG : The one who is lying to himself is you! Are you telling me you don't desire me?
BZH : (longest walk ever) Go and return (or you go back but it depends on the context on what they're doing there he could mean please return to how you were)
HQG : I want you to tell everyone how you have that scar on your hands! *not sure* Why did you cut your flesh and still wish to return? *not sure* Who do you actually love? Say it! Say it and I will spare everyone!
BZH : *sigh*
HQG : He is the world's gentlest person, and yet he is also the world's most heartless person
BZH : Does it matter if I love you? Does it matter if I don't love you? We can never be together, ever.
SXM (?) : *first part not sure* why do you keep stopping yourself from loving her?
HQG : Even if he is not in love with me,as long as he gives me some attention, as long as he lets me look (at him even for just a while), even if just for one glance, even if I were to die, I will die contented.
Looks like HQG is having a nightmare she can't get out of. But shifu, why is YOUR hand inside her blouse?
Yeap, seems like what HQG is telling BZH who of course hesitated. He's a prude, remember? This is her idea of torturing him. Some guys might think this is Disneyland!! By the way, the clothes? Not sexy! Like grandma print. Come on! Why such big fail with Demon God here?
Wow, chilly reception there shifu. No worries. One hot kiss later, and Xiaogu comes running after you begging for your attention. Liying looks tired here.
In case you don't know, the words I believe;
Shifu : Xiaogu, Xiaogu
Xiaogu : Do not call me Xiaogu
Am I correct?
So. does HQG finally kill NMT? Because in the book at this point NMT's one arm is already chopped off by BZH. She will be imprisoned by Zhuran and gang and something about worms and all that shocked even BZH who then pleaded with HQG to let her die and HQG gave a term; lie with me on a bed and we shall see. Something like that.
But in the series, hand still there. I find the series trying hard to give NMT more complex character rather than just hate but developed neither. Never liked NMT.
Is this picture the proof that SQM is not dead and will return with a taste for white and become Bai Zihua (kidding!!)? Or is this photoshopped? I don't know.
But rumours has it SQM may have the final scene to the series as a tie in to the sequel of various shorts on various characters, like a spin off where Liying will guest star but not Wallace since Wallace is done with this series, forever!! Well we all know how much he despised filming this series. Anyway, rumour has it as BZH and HQG jet off to the sunset or whatever being lovey dovey and happy and all that urghhhh stuff, SQM will awake and thus spin off.
I hope not. This series isn't about SQM.
I want a happy ending but rumour has it her memory will be wiped out and so she flew into the sunset with shifu. I find that unsatisfying. I want a happy ending that is unequivocal, one that is not tainted with the WHAT IFs. Will she be happy if one day she remembers all who died for her? Will she feel contented with shifu if she knew her happiness is the sacrifice of many others? The series toned down her suffering. It was apparently worse and longer in the book and in such a way that frankly I don't want them to be together because they just hurt one another. There won't be crazy shifu and all and I hope not. By toning it down though, and making others the same sacrifice, I feel with her amnesia it is an insult to the memories of those who died for her or for them, Shuo Feng included. It is a sacrifice that must be remembered by honouring their memory and still find happiness in that. I want that ending. I am not all for HQG to be happy or BZH to be happy. The world is more than them and more than HQG's suffering. Hers is not the worst suffering in this series, because you can't measure suffering and sacrifice. But it looks the series is heading that TV land ending which I will most certainly despise.
It simply isn't fair to everyone else. Sorry HQG but I don't think your happiness with your shifu with no memory left is the ultimate happiness. By forgetting and be happy, isn't that ignorance is bliss and ignorance is never ever the true path to happiness.
Anyway this is not a surprise ending. I am more interested to know how she came to this stage.
Not until the uncensored DVD is out. Soompi posted these photos, leaked captures of the kissing scene where BZH got so mad and jealous of HQG with I suppose Zhuran than he grabbed her and kissed her and then regretted it and in pain and then I suppose cut his skin out. Yeap, should be that. No wonder HQG is confused. I am confused too. Looks like a passionate until drop on bed kiss, which I am pretty sure we won't get to see so for now just enjoy the captures for what it is worth. I want the full thing; the sound, the scene, the action! Come on, leak that scene out people!
HA! Did Wallace slipped a tongue as per usual? Don't know since won't get to see.
On 01.09.2015 I wrote about a possible Viagra scene which is in the novel but the HD pictures are out and I think it could be the painful scar scene where BZH now feels desire and love for HQG that he can't bear the pain (remember Mo Yan dropped one drop of the fountain water thing on his arm and he felt nothing until now) and he will later cut the whole scar out just to prove his point of pointlessness. Could be that scene and looks like it. Whatever it is, BZH looks to be in extreme pain and tears probably out of sheer frustration he is feeling so much emotions and HQG looks very very concerned. Some major acting chops here. If I am right, this will be the scene where he says the famous line that left many women and HQG frustrated sexually, emotionally, spiritually, actually that tearing off our underwear and hair would serve no purpose because the man is dead set on denying that feeling he is feeling... where he said...
So what if I love you? What.. if I don't?
Please don't delete this scene!!
P/S Shifu seems to be wearing a transparent shirt beneath his layers of clothing. Filming wise perhaps to give Wallace some breathing space but in the series, is this HQG's idea of a lingerie for men?
In the novel there is a scene when BZH was captured by HQG the Demon God, Zhu Ran one day trying to help HQG speed up things with BZH and to prove BZH is human and wants her and desires her, gave BZH aphrodisiac aka viagra and BZH for the first time in 1000 years felt sexual desire. HQG was very angry with Zhu Ran but did not go to BZH herself, instead she sent Zixun with an anecdote. BZH was already pissed that HQG will use such dirty methods to pollute him. HQG tried to bring him the antidote but he was so angry he threw the bowl or cup at her and hit her forehead, so she left and fearing his extreme reaction, she sent Zixun. In the end I don't think anything happened. I suppose even then HQG still fears and loves her shifu.
The series actually filmed such viagra scene although I am not sure if Zixun was there or was even alive. I think she was. Rumour has it she will give BZH his immortality back, much like Mo Yan reviving a dead HQG. I am not sure how these will be justified. Because if it can be done, how come Zixun never did it for TanFan? Oh but wait! TanFan did give up his life for Zixun when she was mortally wounded so it can be done! Anyway the following picture is rumoured to be from the scene where BZH basically has... and I shall be crude... that sexual feeling. Well imagine 1000 years he could control himself and suddenly, he feels as much as he can see.. wow.. must be quite a feeling. Why the meds has effect on him is also because he was mortal at that point.
Will this be censored? Ahhh not sure... maybe not ... 01.09.2015
The death of SQM made her very very sad and lonely, the death of DFYQ her ally made her even sadder and alone but it is the death of Tang Bao that pushed her over the edge and made her unleash and break the seal Shifu placed on her and she became Demon God that came with a mark on her forehead, some heavy duty make up and a taste for red. Don't ask me why but frankly she became Dong Fang Bu Bai in look. What's with the hair? Anyway why Tang Bao? Why not DFYQ? I think because Tang Bao is the most innocent of them all. She did no wrong, she did no harm, she is the happy worm who became a happy girl who never did any sin and yet she was murdered by the insane NMT and so that was a death too much and a push too far. And this is the day BZH probably will puke more blood and then lose his immortality. I can understand why Wallace seems to hate filming this series or at least said his displeasure many times. Either this or the Liu Shishi series but since he specifically mentioned blood puking, flying, it must be this one. His role is now reduced to protector, caretaker, babysitter, ESP talker and blood puker. Hardly a stretch for him.
I never knew she can leave the nice prison, at all.
Sad sad day! I believe let's say shifu died, I seriously think she will go insane and kill everyone.
Slowly changing into the evil side, like how Zixun was, metaphorically speaking
How come her forehead thing so elaborate? A bit too elaborate, like Tang Dynasty. I always thought the sign should be seared into the skin, like a burnt mark or a mark so to speak. More symbolic.
Yes! Yes! KILL HER! But no she didn't. If the book is followed, NMT should be missing an arm now. And later on, probably eyes and some worms involved. Since she still has her arm, I hope her suffering will equal that of her ugly heart!
And the GIf for the moment she went KABOOM and WHOOSH and PHEW PHEW PHEW! See how ... that should be.. Shiyi flying back? BZH wasn't there yet I think or maybe he is because I think next scene should be this which I posted earlier in here on 25.08.2015...
Yeap, the one who flew back is her shifu! And I suppose this was where Shiyi consents to be killed to accompany Tang Bao, probably HQG's only real direct killing which to me is senseless. 31.08.2015
I always thought BZH and HQG's final moments are like pretty much them two only. This BTS says otherwise. SO MANY PEOPLE!! This does make the theory of Mo Yan reviving HQG possible since he is still alive here. We shall see by next week! By the way you can download this BTS from DOWNLOAD page for the video.
To HQG maybe since he sorta stabbed her but to BZH, not really since he can never break the tie.
And here is HQG in her purple garb in a nice prison. In the book it seems it was under the sea/seabed for 16 years but this series will shorten it. Her suffering isn't heightened. BZH will accompany her and since we need nice picture moments, under the sea is not an option. I wonder where is the beast? By the way Youruo will accompany HQG as well. Poor girl. All in prison together.
WHEN BZH KNEW WHAT NMT DID TO HQG I suppose he thinks the leaves thing on her cheek is HQG's new fashion statement. Anyway in the book when he found out how NMT disfigured HQG he chopped off her arm. True! In the series, didn't see it, more like make her go fly kite. I suppose this BZH is more compassionate and it will be out of character for him to chop her arm off although it is understandable he makes her go flying. But maybe, maybe next scene he will cut off her arm. I hope so!
Probably one of the most anticipated scenes which will involve a lot of sleeping together, blood drinking and apparently a hot kiss. And they even went for a road trip together but I have a feeling this will be towards the end where he kills her in a fields of flowers. Be let's be rest assured the blood drinking whilst filmed will most certainly be censored. This is a rather skinship intimate series and I can see why fans are shipping Liying and Wallace since they have many intimate scenes together that is not quite hot kissing but a lot of neck biting. That's very intimate. However I am convinced they're not an item. I also still hate her make up, hair and costume but notice she now has breasts. I would have wished for cleavage to show she has truly matured. I mean you're gonne seduce someone you have the hots for decades, and since you are demon god and supposed villain, you might as well walk around naked or at least with obvious cleavage. Liying isn't sexy and I wished the video game concept art for Demon God is used instead of this bohemian chick look.
And look at Wallace; managing to keep the same expressions throughout.
Anyway, have a look at these tantalising pictures which seems to suggest all in max 2 scenes ...
*Prior to capture?*
*Definitely won't be censored since it is literally sleeping together*
*Most definitely censored but miracles do happen*
*Please don't censor this*
So, where is the infamous hot kiss we are all waiting for? Because if it is censored, at least can see it in pictures. Anyway at this stage our Xiaogu is a bit mental apart from being rather angry and didn't care for anything at all. Shifu here is already in love with her but doesn't feel like it is the most important thing. I think here DFYQ, Tang Bao and Zixun are all dead. We have 2 very lonely people together and that makes for "two less lonely people in the world tonight..."
Coming very soon ...
HQG looks good in blue. She actually looks prettier with the scar. And yes that's BZH and his sword and their cutting of their relationship as disciple and teacher which is good because now she can officially love him since no more relationship. But to BZH, she is still his disciple. Will she still call him shifu?
HQG looks way better in purple. Anyway, there is she, standing, Shiyi on his knees, BZH on the ground.. what is going on? We shall know soon enough!
And she sees she has been replaced when in fact, again the lack of faith in BZH is astounding. Anyway Changliu security still sucks and come on BZH! You got your full power, and you still can't feel a strange presence or you feel but you don't care?
But HQG will always have a soft spot for shifu. And did shifu have a change of wardrobe? His fabric seems to be lighter, less heavy or thick.
I am not sure what was going in the mind of the make up dept but for someone suffering in Manhuang (Wasteland), she looks surprisingly fresh and pretty. Too pretty. Is her make up indicative of the fact she is growing up mentally? All adult women has heavier eyeshadow and all bitter women has red/purple eye shadow?
My apologies if you disagree with me but I find this absolutely ridiculous.
Let us all cry!! So the filming actually follows the book aka a lot of her lying on top of him and such? Please don't censor. Her clothing however is so not sexy. Needs to be less clothing. Xiaogu, the art of seduction is not nostalgically touch his face!! Now I am waiting for pictures of her sucking his blood which will be censored and that hot real kiss which I hope won't be censored.
Which may not be much since he is hardly on screen and his job is to be love sick but to give credit to MXL he never forced the issue and he remained faithful in his heart to HQG even if he can't protect her, he tried. HQG should have married him because he has ZERO agenda with HQG and genuinely feel for her. Here is MXL old and gray and still crying for HQG who is then probably still suffering somewhere. Sometimes the measure of sacrifice need not be just what he had done but rather, he had sacrificed his tears and his worries. You can't say MXL doesn't care for HQG or he hasn't given much except his giving is not as dramatic. Anyway HQG will soon lose another friend because MXL is mortal and so he will soon die and be in reincarnated except SARFT doesn't believe in reincarnation and so MXL will die and that's that.
From now on it is all about sacrifices. HQG can't say she is the only one sacrificing. Everyone sacrifices for somebody, here is SQM who I suppose in trying to save HQG destroyed his own beauty. Huge heart break for SCQ!
I think this must be the scene where she saw the scars on his back and then overwhelmed that he did so much for her, she hugged him. If not I see no reason why he is half naked unless HQG is in the habit of removing BZH's clothings for the sake of it.
I am however irked by the fact that her nails aren't red and she dresses like she is ready and desperate for her wedding. Hate this look.
Coming soon for the version I am watching, uncut version. Anyway the picture...
I wonder is the following the BTS version with the guy in green a stand in for the beast? Looks like it...
Probably, and probably after a kiss because look at his lips...
I know a lot of fans think BZH hasn't done or shown enough. I think I must be watching a different show. I wish BZH had never met HQG. Seriously because he would have been a happier man. Love is supposed to make you feel better, right now he is feeling utterly miserable and fearful. Waste of a good talent and luckily 6 realms only have 1 lazy enemy and that is SQM. If not they all fry because the most powerful immortal is powerful no more.
Coming soon we shall be meeting this beast...
And true to all things in China (and Korea) nowadays, everything can be PS-ed, in this case same scene, the beast used to look like that...less cooler I admit...
But they're not this where HQG plucked the flower. I think this one will protect HQG and frankly of all special effects, the following is one of the weakest and there are many weak points except for Eastern Sea which looked volatile. But never mind. Look at him.. so cute... so chubby...
Point is none of them looks remotely ... Asian mythical beast. Sorry, for me cute is cute but fail is fail. Don't get me wrong; they're rather nice, awesome in fact but technologically a big 1 million steps back.
More but I got it wrong. Seems like 2 kisses. He kissed her, she kissed him back. For reasons if this is not censored, we shall know soon.
GIF ...
And BZH's sacrifice ...
Luckily none hit that vital point if not... 16.08.2015
Obviously she is in prison before the punishment and he was probably emotional and grabbed her and force kissed her because he knows he is guilty for causing her to reach this point of no return. She doesnt look like she enjoyed it and looked like she was taken by surprise.
Look at how hard he smashed his lips on her. Assuming this is not censored, I will say it is not a voluntary kiss. I don't see HQG suddenly kissing DFYQ. He kissed her and he kissed her by surprise, because he was emotional, sorta like sorry cum goodbye cum I was a jerk cum I love you but hey I won't be able to save you kiss cum do this to make BZH jealous because I kissed you first kiss. But DFYQ was late. BZH got there first in dramatic fashion and she liked it!
Also I don't think it is a lingering kiss. More like grab, kiss 1-2-3 done.
What kiss you ask? This one...
Next to be released? SQM kiss then Zhu Ran kiss and at the end the one kiss we all want, BZH is censored! Mehhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Probably belongs more in BTS picture but for all the silliness, this is the BTS scene for that moment I suppose HQG declared her relationship with BZH is over and moved to stab herself with his sword.
And another angle of that pivotal scene where BZH shared HQG's burden even if HQG herself brought it upon herself although she did it to save him. Complicated huh? And only 2 people in that complicated chart. Don't even know where to begin calculating and all that!
The changing of certain elements in HQG's background may drastically change the logic of the ending. HQG is the reincarnation of the god to have last die, sacrificing herself in the fight to seal the Demon God, right? In the TV version, she is said to be Nuwa's descendant, those always unlucky in love. If such is the case, it takes away the element of reincarnation. In the book HQG's soul was dispersed and she was reincarnated as a simple minded girl with disabilities. Before that BZH went insane with grief for I believe 30 years or so. BZH found her and he took her in and took care of her for life. In one of the many epilogues the writer wrote which I suspect is the ending, I can't remember the specifics but the point is she remembered her past and ended up marrying BZH and living happily ever after.
Now with the element of reincarnation taken out, how does one deal with the ideal ending? Will BZH meet someone looking like her and end up happily with the lookalike? That is not fair to our new girl or even to fans who expects BZH AND HQG, not HQG 2.0. There is a solution; when he killed her, her body remains but her soul is fragmented. Now that is allowed by the censorship. Someone kept her body alive and looked for her soul. Meanwhile BZH can still go insane for 30 years. I believe SQM probably can be the one looking for her soul, pieced it together again but before that, BZH found our HQG and took her in until her memory returns and so they end up together again.
Sounds plausible and within the rules of the story AND the censorship.
Point is please don't give me the BS of a lookalike. That is so not right!!
But can she still curse him to immortality if she is not the powerful last god?
Why not? He still had to look pretty 30 years on. I think rules can be tweaked. Maybe she is the most powerful nuwa descendant of all, after all her blood kills plants and slows down poison that can't be healed. So she must be really really special. And so yes, she can curse him to immortality. I don't see why not.
Looking wayyyyy into the future, this is BZH who no longer an Immortal (status) and immortal (life span). But not fallen like Zixun. So what does this tell us?
a. fashion is drab if you're no longer an immortal or Immortal but not quite a fallen angel
b. can still stay at Changliu
c. never ever fall in love, this is what it gets you. Yeah sure, you got that loving feeling but it gives you nothing but endless misery. Why bother?
Should be around the time HQG becomes Demon God and all those 50 shades stuff. Can still fight though.
It is episode 33 (uncut), I jumped ahead a little out of curiosity. I know this is past for you but at present I am at episode 29 and am taking this series very slowly so I jumped to see how poisoned he still is and I was shocked to see the following...
I was like WHAT THE HELL... Make up is excellent!! But seriously, so shocking since I haven't seen his advanced poisoned state yet and imagine if you're Xiaogu, every day you see shifu like the following ...
became like this ...
Can you not do everything you can, including betraying his trust to find him his cure? I will... but I won't go being bitter and blame him for not saving me when nails start nailed to my body but the point is, oh I am not sure if I ever wanna reach that episode...
I am so very slow...waiting for subtitles is an excuse. I just wanna go slow...
Coming soon is the following heart wrenching scene. Something HQG won't know until much much later, BZH's sacrifice. Ouch!
Coming soon is the following heart wrenching scene. BZH looking on death's door, make up is super amazing and crying over a bottle and that bottle is probably the antidote that HQG will sacrifice her freedom, life, face, whatever to get and that is probably why BZH is so emotional. The poison loosened his feelings a lot, he is no longer in control but he is also crying because he knew the consequences for his HQG who may be foolish but seriously, she had a role to play with him getting sick and all. I wonder, did Zixun help?
Anyway, fantastic beautiful tears from beautiful Wallace Huo. He does look sickly and may I emphasise that our handsome shifu is like one step to turning into mist.
And I don't know who hurts more; Jiangxin who tripped or Wallace who she fell on. Look at the way he moved, she fell hard but look at the way they continued on filming. Great stuff here. Anyway crazy Zixun also is hurting.
Looking wayyyyyy ahead, the following is a curious picture and I am not sure all of them are ever in one scene at that moment. Shifu is doing his supermodel strut, angry Mo Yan is there, HQG is there, DFYQ is there... but why were they in one scene? We shall know some time soon.
Like BZH, viewers' memories too will be wiped out by censorship where it comes to biting/bloody kissing scenes but how can anyone wipe out such a vivid memory eh? Anyway, next episode which is Episode 35, the following scene may take place and so there goes our memory wiping as well... I feel for BZH. I feel cheated.
Some pictures for future episodes...
Coming soon in the next 3-4 episodes. Don't be too happy. Just an illusion which gets shifu into deep deep trouble.
Shifu poisoned. I have never seen BZH looking so .. not well groomed before. Is this when he found out he had been drinking HQG's blood to survive?
Coming soon within I think 4 episodes or so. And see Wallace with his eyes so wide opened, you have never seen him so wide eyed before!!
I believe this must be when he lost his immortality which means he lost his right to wear white. But he is still at Changliu! Probably when HQG is a demon god... because if HQG died and this was after, I don't think he will live at Changliu anymore, Maybe at her old house dressed as Mo Bing and chopping wood.
And finally a summary so far;
(L-R) Dead, Traitor/Wuss, Doomed, Dead, Insane and doomed. 5 reasons why being immortals ain't so much fun. Does calamity curse only affect immortals or people trying to cultivate? Does farmers get calamity curse as well?
Dong Fang Yu Qing. I HATE YOU!!!!!
More peeks. You would have seen them everywhere. The ones still unseen is HQG as Chief Demon and whatever that happens after BZH was captured and chained.
Here goes ...
Ehhh that ZX again! Dramatic moment. BZH should have let HQG kill that ZX with Duan Nian but then he was probably more concerned about HQG's soul than seriously saving ZX's worthless jealousy filled life. What's with the two finger thing? Why?
Wow, why slap her? What happened? Don't tell me! Just asking myself for dramatic effect.
Ahhhh poison. Still pretty!
Yeap, blood drinking scene. Since she looked so much in pain, first time. Should be painful because he doesn't have fangs so it means he is biting into her just like that. Not very sexy.
So called kissing scene. Actors were quick to clarify he was drinking her blood. Why does she look so reluctant? Because he wasn't suppose to drink that way? Is the blood drinking gonna be like this every time? What happened to taking knife, cut, drip into cup and drink? Oh not fresh enough? Or fan service? I am not complaining but that's so NOT BZH's style. OR is this one continuous scene with the neck biting? As in neck biting, push her to floor and continue?
And now for the ones you MISSED or may wish to see again...
Episode 20 (Hunan TV version). Poor man, combing his hair himself.
Episode 14 (I think)(Cut version). What a back!
I know Wallace probably hates it that so much emphasis is on his looks but BZH IS about his looks. Perfect casting. Question is did the author thought about him when she was writing this? She did say in interview in errr Mango TV (see 06.07.2015 post) that she cried when she saw him dressed as BZH, as if her writings came to life. I would do more than cry. I will personally give him one long hug and a nice peck on the cheek (both sides plus forehead and tip of nose). But then that's just me.
More peeks. You would have seen them everywhere. The ones still unseen is HQG as Chief Demon and whatever that happens after BZH was captured and chained.
Here goes ...
Ehhh that ZX again! Dramatic moment. BZH should have let HQG kill that ZX with Duan Nian but then he was probably more concerned about HQG's soul than seriously saving ZX's worthless jealousy filled life. What's with the two finger thing? Why?
Wow, why slap her? What happened? Don't tell me! Just asking myself for dramatic effect.
Ahhhh poison. Still pretty!
Yeap, blood drinking scene. Since she looked so much in pain, first time. Should be painful because he doesn't have fangs so it means he is biting into her just like that. Not very sexy.
So called kissing scene. Actors were quick to clarify he was drinking her blood. Why does she look so reluctant? Because he wasn't suppose to drink that way? Is the blood drinking gonna be like this every time? What happened to taking knife, cut, drip into cup and drink? Oh not fresh enough? Or fan service? I am not complaining but that's so NOT BZH's style. OR is this one continuous scene with the neck biting? As in neck biting, push her to floor and continue?
And now for the ones you MISSED or may wish to see again...
Episode 20 (Hunan TV version). Poor man, combing his hair himself.
Episode 14 (I think)(Cut version). What a back!
I know Wallace probably hates it that so much emphasis is on his looks but BZH IS about his looks. Perfect casting. Question is did the author thought about him when she was writing this? She did say in interview in errr Mango TV (see 06.07.2015 post) that she cried when she saw him dressed as BZH, as if her writings came to life. I would do more than cry. I will personally give him one long hug and a nice peck on the cheek (both sides plus forehead and tip of nose). But then that's just me.
Aka cut version, I just took a peek and I was like grrrrrrrr at Zi Xuan. That woman is insufferable. She doesn't realise our Xiao Gu will never ever leave her shifu, ever! Dirty tricks and manipulation and for what? Sigh... our BZH is now truly very affectionate towards his own pet calamity. Not yet love... but at present a higher sort of love but not romantic love. If only it stopped here, everyone will be happy. But our HQG will grow up, she can't forever be a child and moreover, blame shifu for being so hot.
Anyway I will watch uncut ep 19 tomorrow and then backtrack to wherever for so called cut version and shall take it from there. Ep 20 looks a lot like the first step towards doom for our poor poor Xiao Gu, If fate doesn't make it so that she falls for her shifu, her heart and the fact shifu and Mo Bing is one person will. Doomed. DOOMED!
P/S Zhao Liying looks lovely in the new hairdo and everyone has shiny face and rather red and radiant too. So you can imagine how hot it was.
Anyway I shall leave this post with the last scene in Ep 20 and a quote;
I saw a preview for ep 37. The guy that like NMT is the last magical instrument? Omgosh! If it's true, no wonder he has a soft spot for HQG. But why does he want HQG to get all the instruments? Ahhh...I can't wait!
Book says he helped. And he is supposed to be a stone or whatever. So now he is an instrument? So if used does it mean he will die? Not even sire of,instruments supposed to like hqg.
Anyway congrats. Officially you just posted the very first comment in this blog!!
Dude is not an instrument. The last instrument is something else hidden in plain sight. Dude is the remaining piece of the Nuwa stone that is used to unlock the sealed power of the instruments along with HQG's blood.
Yes. MXL places little value in these magical objects since he is a worldly person. He knowingly gave the magical sword to HQG as symbol of their friendship-quickly-turned-crush. He gave her the jade (not knowing its true power) as a goodwill gift to protect her from the ghost and demons who try to bite her. MXL is such a nice kid in the novel.
Ahhh you found your way! Yeap all spoilers post here. I do believe problem can be solved. Someone saves her body but her mind is gone. Same as before gather all her soul fragment etc etc. bzh can still be cursed. Instead of going crazy maybe show him looking for soul fragment.
I am guessing that SQM might wake up in time to snatch HQG's body from BZH, then hide away using his powers to preserve her body like he did with his sister. Someone did say that there is pic of SQM dressed in white floating around haidu forums so I guess he lost his demonic powers or immortality reinjecting HQG's soul back in her body. I can accept that. :) But no BXH and HQG reuniting only for him to wake up and it was only a dream. grrrr.
I think I only get lost on this blog when on my mobile. I'm fine on a desktop. Nice background of Hot Shifu by the way.
"You know I love Liying, I think she is cute and all, and can handle the dramatic pics but I wonder is it intentional that her HQG is so clueless of the gravity of her actions that she isn't even scared one bit? I mean fearless to save her shifu I understand but not one moment she feels scared except when she thinks shifu will be mad at her?"
In the series TJOF, HQG knows she did something wrong as is content to pay the price with her life if her death can be a solution. But she doesn’t want to die without BZH’s forgiveness.
IMO from reading the novel, HQG has this unhealthy self-image of herself where she is worthless and inferior to everyone else. She is a very endearing girl but she is sometimes too ready to self-sacrifice. She thinks too little of herself and is content to die to save anyone because she thinks it will be a good deal.
Sometimes I wonder if she has a latent hero complex disorder where she unintentionally causes a huge problem then jumps in to sacrifice herself to save the day. I understand her reasons for being rash because her emotions get the better of her every single time and it is used as a weapon against her every single time.
The series explores this a little further by showing how HQG grew up in isolation and ostracization so that anyone she builds a connection with becomes automatically super important to her. Her sense of inferiority stems from her childhood where she is labelled a jinx no matter what she does so she believes that all bad things that happen occur because of her existence and once she leaves or dies, then it will all go away.
HQG is a very naive and simple person. I think she is freaked out by what she has unintentionally done by accident and is happy to take responsibility and to die doing so. HQG is too simple-minded to see the bigger picture and does not think anyone will sacrifice themselves for her and once she dies, then everything will be back to normal. That is why she seems so fearless as she believes that her death will solve everything,
I think HQG understand that people like her, but she has not comprehended how much she actually means to other people. She is too enthusiastic to jump into the saviour role that she has not taken notice that she has overlooked the proven fact that BZH will also do the same for her in the way he sees fit, with or without her consent. He may not do it for romantic reasons, but he cares enough to do it.
While HQG feels unhealthily inferior about herself, I feel that she sees BZH as too important and perfect and superior. She practically worships him like a crazy fan and thinks she is nothing compared to him (aka worthless worm vs most powerful immortal). She is not afraid of dying yet she is afraid of the slightest thing that will make BZH upset. Her whole world seems to revolve around him. She has serious abandonment issues when it comes to BZH. The thought of being totally symbolically cut off from him (discipleship, bells) scares her and is worse than death. Even when she becomes Demon Goddess, she does not feel safe unless he is around.
I think the series handles it better as it shows HQG’s feelings for BZH are strong but not as obsessive. And because BZH talks a lot to HQG in the series and the intimate scenes are cut, HQG’s actions actually don’t seem so fanatical. The novel really disturbs me in how FGG portrays HQG’s train of thought. Sometimes I worry for FGG as exactly how much of herself did she use to write the character of HQG? I know the theme of her book is obsession but some bits and actions are really scary and smothering.
But what do you think abt Liying's performance? Since this is how you describe HQG, I feel Liying a bit too zen. I just feel on a deeper level a much better actress in the dramatic sense would have made HQG much complex. I like Liying but I feel something is lacking.
Hmmmm. The above is just my personal opinion and I may be over-analysing her character. I think ZLY hits the mark on HQG's cuteness and youth. Acting wise, I find that she is adequate for what the series wants to show but I'm not finding that the series is digging very deep anyway. I haven't seen a scene yet where ZLY really required to act. So hard to judge whether it is her acting or the plot which is the problem. I'm looking forward to when she is exiled.
The part where BZH is poisoned and HQG trying to get him to drink her blood is very draggy and seems to go on forever. The scene is sad but I get irritated by the clingyness.
In the series, the difference between BZH and HQG is lessened and they behave more as equals so not sure if the inferiority HQG feels still as strong.
If not ZLY, I can't picture any other actress in the role. LSS? Are you reading the novel?
LSS will ruin the series. She has the capability of making a character unlikable. A younger sun li. Liying is ok but like you say not much depth. Not to say character no depth. Hqg has a lot to deal with but i find liying did not quite portray those urgency and desperation. She just looks really really busy. But i like that she makes hqg playfulness ratger innocent. Biggest test is as angry seductress.
Oh never see them as equals. Hqg is desperate for bzh approval in everything but not clearly shown. And they cant be equal. There has to be a disparity in rank age outlook and all. Maybe Wallace didn't portray his weariness enough.but I think the problem lies with liying. Not desperate enough.
The part on the blood drinking is to show her persistent and increasing desperation leading her to do what she did. Essential, more so than hugs and kisses. Not really clingyness.
I said more as equals but did not mean that are equal. They can't be equals because he is her teacher but if you compare it to the novel, Wallace's BZH cares a lot about what she thinks or feels and shows her a lot of respect. And they talk a lot as well. A lot of warmth has been added to BZH in the series in addition to the kindness that he had in the novel.
As for HQG, the series has raised her age so I do see them visually as two adults rather than an adult with a kid who goes up to his waist. But there is an intentional disparity in age between them but not too much to make them look incompatible. This is needed for the plot.
ZLY's acting is not great but i think she is the most suitable actress in terms of age, looks and acting for the role. I do like her a lot and I am even bracing myself to watch "Yun Zhong Ge" for her guest role and you know how much i like Yu Zheng.
But I have to admit, she needs to look sadder. Maybe it is because she's not allowed to cry for this character and she's holding back some emotion. She needs to work on her eyes.
LSS overdoes her cuteness a lot that it becomes too modern. She can act, but her ability to act fluctuates from series to series. I haven't seen anythimg from her that has moved me since BBJX.
I find her more zoned out that ZLY at times and her eyes look sleepy and bored when not crying.
Sorry, meant LSS's eyes seems more zoned out than Zanilla. Have trouble typing on phone.
And Zanilla's HQG won't be a sexy seductress. She'll be more feminine in DG mode but I doubt any sexiness. She does not have the face or figure for sexiness. She looks too 正經 even with the heavy makeup.
I was impressed with her evil role in "The Palace" where her eyes really glinted with malice. But the sex scenes were really bad. She tried to be seductive when naked in the bathtub but it didn't come across as sexy to me. Zanilla looked really shy and uncomfortable in the BTS when filming those scenes.
Actually, I take my comment about Zanilla not looking sad enough. She looks very sad and desperate in ep 36 uncut in the scene with Shuo Feng. And she did it without shedding a tear. She's doing fine for now.
Saw that scene. Still lacking something. Can't put my finger in what it is but something. Something to differentiate idol drama acting and CCTV acting so to speak. Not that CCTV action is always great. Like I said, I like her but something... Liu Yi Fei when she first started out maybe but her acting was at best wooden. She can't be cute. Now? No. Still wooden. Too cold. If there is a female BZH she can be that.
Because both wear white, both are clueless as to emotions, both are emotionless, both are ethereally beautiful, both I assume are virginal and both are powerful and life disrupted by their unruly disciple?
Yeap I can see that!
I also read Wallace has been associated with god knows how many Nu Wa descendent in his c drama career. That was funny!
Yes I was first gobsmacked by LYF as XLN. She was absolutely gorgeous and suited her role until it requires her to act. Gotta admit; she is not a very good actress.
What would you think about Liu Yiu Fei as HQG? Her acting has improved a lot in the past two years. But she's not as cute. Maybe I am biased. Still prefer Zanilla.
Anyway, don't expect too much from the book to be shown in the rest of the series. A lot of characters would be cut and the 16 year separation would probably be finished in a song.
Potential Plot to be Omitted from the series are: - No demonic mermaid means no war god (I actually like the war god, Grrr.) Zhu Ran will probably be merged with him and they will rush through how DFYQ helps them escape from the netherworld. Probably be over in 2.5 eps. - No homosexual taoist who ate his brother (Ok with that. If they didn't let Yun Yi bite his brother's corpse then definitely no eating) - You Ruo will be mortal and not from the Yan Shui Jade so the 4-5 chapters where she bonds with HQG will most probably be cut. - SARFT doesn't like demons and no war god so no major good vs evil battle and no celestial constellation trap that BZH sets for HQG and DFYQ. We'll probably be left with a 5 minute battle with some half-baked CGI battle between Chang Liu and 7 Sha orcs. - No demonic kiss so heaps of crazy murder scenes gone as this kid is so nice. Cave scene also shortened as we have seen. - No kissing allowed so 3 eps gone from BZH and HQG. SQM is probably going to hug HQG instead. Dong Fang won't get anything (sob sob). - Mo Bing Xian is no more so his 5 chapters are gone. - No seduction, biting, drinking or bed scenes allowed so another 5 chapters gone. - Zanilla's Demon God will probably only exist for 2 eps.
So yeah, I think we can fit the remaining bits of the book into 18 eps of 40 min episodes.
That is too much ground to cover but all these are absolutely unnecessary so am happy they're cut because it deviates from the story of these 2 individuals. I think the 1 kissing scene should be in but the blood and all will be out. Bed scenes would be in since just bed and not much else. But maybe shortened.
Homosexual taoist who ate his brother?
And why would Yun Yi bite his bro's corpse??
The jealous kiss everyone is saying won't exist because MBX is gone.. what about Zhu Ran taking his place?
Aren't you reading the book now? I'll discuss with you when you get to those subplots.
I actually was disappointed that the demonic kid was not evil. That was a really good twist in the novel and it added to HQG's tragedy because her feelings got made used of again. He gave her his powers as a decoy and so that the demonic powers could live on. The demonic kid manipulated HQG to misunderstand BZH's motive in killing him. We could see both BZH's decisiveness, sternness yet mercy in dealing with Na Wu Yue. And HQG's bond with NWY was very strong on the novel because he fed on her blood. He was actually born evil but because of his seven days with HQG, he built up 2 personalities - one good and one bad.
In the series, the demonic kid is just a good natured kid who was born with demonic powers. I think they are trying to build on HQG's similar past and thus fasttrack their bonding. He is like sacrificial like HQG as well. So when BZH wants to kill him instead of HQG, what reasons are they going to give us so that BZH's reputation is not tarnished?
Don't mind BZH and HQG kissing but HQG and ZR? No. No. No.
MBX was nice and understanding to HQG and she was moved. But she only kissed MBX and did other stuff with him because she saw him as a replacement for the man who she could not have - BZH. She's not going to cheat on BZH with ZR! Ewwwww! And ZR is not going to cheat on LX!
The eng translation hasn't reached that part yet. I think some are just summaries rather than actual translation. Right now it is at the Shuo Feng sacrifice part so I believe some way to go.
You know, books like Galileo get translated (and done very well), Gu Long at least had 1 but no one has yet to translate any of these officially. Maybe too long or they think no commercial appeal. I think learning to read chinese is a bit too late for me!
HQG had to kiss someone to ignite the jealous kiss so if not ZR, then who? SQM?? That's sister! Or that demon young man? Or maybe since she has so much power can;'t she conjure up a lookalike BZH? Like her own love doll!!!
By the way I saw some disturbing fan arts. I feel to sexualise the whole thing and emphasising on her young look is really terrible. The last thing I want is wallace to be associates with a pedo story.
I learnt most of my Chinese reading Jin Yong novels with an Chinese-English dictionary at hand. I don't read much nowadays but if I do find something I like, I can read nonstop for hours straight. I read "Hua Qian Gu" in about one week. I'm going to start on Fei Wo Si Cun's "Eastern Palace" later in the year.
Regarding BZH's kiss, he was undoubtedly jealous of his HQG being so intimate with another man, but he was more worried and disappointed that HQG almost fell for Mo Yan's trap. If he did not walk in on them at that moment, HQG would have lost her virginity to MBX who would have severely weakened her demonic powers by sucking them away. Mo Yan was waiting for that to happen so he can attack and kill her.
BZH saw it as his failure to protect HQG as he understands it is because of her feeelings for him that led her to nearly have sex with MBX. He's also frustrated that he has sacrificed himself repeatedly to protect this woman and draw her back to the good side but she just ends up running in the opposite direction. So I find BZH's kiss to be a combination of guilt, jealousy and frustration rather than sexual. So I don't get the crazy fan arts and I just ignore it. But as far as the age of HQG is concerned, blame the novel because not only was HQG 14 in appearance, she was also short in stature and her body was stunted before puberty, so she probably looked even younger. I just ignore those pics as it is not right in my mind.
You mean if she losses her virginity she losses some of her demonic powers? What if she losses it to BZH? Oh come on!! Oldest "have sex lose power" trick in the world!!
Secondly, Mo Yan's scheme will only work if it is with MBX who was born with some special power that is able to suck away a person's life force with any skin contact. His previous girlfriends all died. HQG felt something was going on whenever he touched her but she did not mind losing a little since her demonic powers were so great and she enjoyed his company as he reminded her of BZH who by this time, had stopped sleeping next to her due to the aphrodisiac incident.
By purely holding HQG, MBX was able to tap into her memories and saw things from her POV, felt pity for her and thus gradually fell in love with her. So no, it will only happen if she became intimate with MBX, Nothing will happen with BZH.
Back then, I had some basic knowledge of Chinese words like "you", "me", verbs, nouns. I could make simple sentences but I could not read newspapers or any advanced chinese materials. I did go to Chinese school on the weekends but they only teach you basic stuff like "I have a brown dog. I like dogs, etc..."
When I first picked up a Jin Yong novel, I was 6-7. I could recognise the character's names and the names of places and even the names of kungfu stances, but I had no idea of the descriptions or the poetry verses or the actions. So I wrote down all the words or phrases that I had difficulty with and either by using my dictionary or asking my parents, I got the meaning. I kept going through the notebooks in reading and writing the new vocabulary until it got imprinted in my mind.
I still don't understand everything that I read but I can make out what the overall meaning is and then look it up. I can now understand Chinese poetry and most chinese novels. There was a time where I actually copied the 300 Tang Dynasty poems and I still know a few off by heart. I'm also a Chinese history/mythology nut so I have read some history books as well as information off the internet in Chinese.
In terms of reading, the writing style and words in "Hua Qian Gu" is not that hard to read. Fresh Guo Guo actually recycles the same description several times throughout the novel so you will get it after a few times. But it is the Taoist and Buddhist terminology that throws me off.
Haven't read it and don't plan to. Not my type of story unless it has a really good detective story. But I can read both traditional and simplified chinese.
Yessssssss, thank you for the post of HQG came back to life. I am so happy and look forward to the ending now. I was so devastated to hear that HQG died. I want to see NMT and MY die at the ending. will this happen??
Rumour has it MY will die a noble death redeeming himself. NMT probably will die to but let me guess; not before she has her say in her grudge against HQG.
this drama is going to end tomorrow...... noooooo but I can't also wait to see the ending. I watched it live, but couldn't understand a thing they're saying. Eng sub is being slow now. Love your sneak peak to the future episode. Wish you could post more of the ending. When BZH confessed his feeling?? When HQG reborn and become his disciple again? only two more episodes, seem like they rush the ending.
Er....I read earlier, you mentioned Wallace is done with this series, he despised filming this why ah? I really think his role as the Teacher, Leader of Changliu very well acted. I don't think (personal opinion) anyone can portray a better Bai Zi Hua than Wallace.
To a certain extent, I "understand" Hua Qian Gu. Perhaps it's like what we call a school girl crush since she was 16 (in the drama) when she met Mo Bing (Bai Zi Hua) as she never had a friend before, not to mention one as handsome as Wallace. The crush carried on even when she was his disciple. But when did the crush turned sexual, can't understand like she suddenly wants more than what they were before. On the otherhand, men are men, Shifu included. They don't put LOVE their top priority. Yes he probably loves her but the 3 magic words never came out. Action speaks louder than words for most men. But Qian Gu just want the 3 words to be out from his mouth. I don't know is it me or anyone else felt the same, after finishing the whole drama, is like HAH! WHAT! I felt shortchanged. I expected the ending to be longer. No doubt is lovey dovey moments on the raft & flying to somewhere but how did Mo Yan sacrifice himself? At least tell. How long was Shifu mad or crazy? It makes me frustrated like can't find closure to the drama.
Please avoid listing spoilers for future episodes. You can write those speculations and spoilers in the post about Speculations and Spoilers. No vulgarity. Other than that, post away!
I saw a preview for ep 37. The guy that like NMT is the last magical instrument? Omgosh! If it's true, no wonder he has a soft spot for HQG. But why does he want HQG to get all the instruments? Ahhh...I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteBook says he helped. And he is supposed to be a stone or whatever. So now he is an instrument? So if used does it mean he will die? Not even sire of,instruments supposed to like hqg.
DeleteAnyway congrats. Officially you just posted the very first comment in this blog!!
I'm waiting for next week, lol It's a preview after ep 38. Dang...typos since I'm using my phone.
DeleteMaybe he will die. More reasons for NMT to hate HQG. Plot device.
Continue to update! I do visit. Haha
Nvm. It looks like Feng is a fragment of the stone? But how is he needed to find the antidote for BZH? So many questions!
ReplyDeleteDude is not an instrument. The last instrument is something else hidden in plain sight. Dude is the remaining piece of the Nuwa stone that is used to unlock the sealed power of the instruments along with HQG's blood.
ReplyDeleteWAIT!! That means... MXL the human actually possessed TWO magical items before he gave them away??
DeleteYes. MXL places little value in these magical objects since he is a worldly person. He knowingly gave the magical sword to HQG as symbol of their friendship-quickly-turned-crush. He gave her the jade (not knowing its true power) as a goodwill gift to protect her from the ghost and demons who try to bite her. MXL is such a nice kid in the novel.
DeleteLizzy is so angry! Very angry! Very very angry! I hate SARFT! Hate SARFT very very much! Are you my fated calamity?
ReplyDeleteWhy no reincarnation? Why??????????????????????????? Is BZh going to end up alone and crazy? Why?????
Ahhh you found your way! Yeap all spoilers post here. I do believe problem can be solved. Someone saves her body but her mind is gone. Same as before gather all her soul fragment etc etc. bzh can still be cursed. Instead of going crazy maybe show him looking for soul fragment.
DeleteI am guessing that SQM might wake up in time to snatch HQG's body from BZH, then hide away using his powers to preserve her body like he did with his sister. Someone did say that there is pic of SQM dressed in white floating around haidu forums so I guess he lost his demonic powers or immortality reinjecting HQG's soul back in her body. I can accept that. :) But no BXH and HQG reuniting only for him to wake up and it was only a dream. grrrr.
DeleteI think I only get lost on this blog when on my mobile. I'm fine on a desktop. Nice background of Hot Shifu by the way.
In response to this:
ReplyDelete"You know I love Liying, I think she is cute and all, and can handle the dramatic pics but I wonder is it intentional that her HQG is so clueless of the gravity of her actions that she isn't even scared one bit? I mean fearless to save her shifu I understand but not one moment she feels scared except when she thinks shifu will be mad at her?"
In the series TJOF, HQG knows she did something wrong as is content to pay the price with her life if her death can be a solution. But she doesn’t want to die without BZH’s forgiveness.
IMO from reading the novel, HQG has this unhealthy self-image of herself where she is worthless and inferior to everyone else. She is a very endearing girl but she is sometimes too ready to self-sacrifice. She thinks too little of herself and is content to die to save anyone because she thinks it will be a good deal.
Sometimes I wonder if she has a latent hero complex disorder where she unintentionally causes a huge problem then jumps in to sacrifice herself to save the day. I understand her reasons for being rash because her emotions get the better of her every single time and it is used as a weapon against her every single time.
The series explores this a little further by showing how HQG grew up in isolation and ostracization so that anyone she builds a connection with becomes automatically super important to her. Her sense of inferiority stems from her childhood where she is labelled a jinx no matter what she does so she believes that all bad things that happen occur because of her existence and once she leaves or dies, then it will all go away.
HQG is a very naive and simple person. I think she is freaked out by what she has unintentionally done by accident and is happy to take responsibility and to die doing so. HQG is too simple-minded to see the bigger picture and does not think anyone will sacrifice themselves for her and once she dies, then everything will be back to normal. That is why she seems so fearless as she believes that her death will solve everything,
I think HQG understand that people like her, but she has not comprehended how much she actually means to other people. She is too enthusiastic to jump into the saviour role that she has not taken notice that she has overlooked the proven fact that BZH will also do the same for her in the way he sees fit, with or without her consent. He may not do it for romantic reasons, but he cares enough to do it.
While HQG feels unhealthily inferior about herself, I feel that she sees BZH as too important and perfect and superior. She practically worships him like a crazy fan and thinks she is nothing compared to him (aka worthless worm vs most powerful immortal). She is not afraid of dying yet she is afraid of the slightest thing that will make BZH upset. Her whole world seems to revolve around him. She has serious abandonment issues when it comes to BZH. The thought of being totally symbolically cut off from him (discipleship, bells) scares her and is worse than death. Even when she becomes Demon Goddess, she does not feel safe unless he is around.
I think the series handles it better as it shows HQG’s feelings for BZH are strong but not as obsessive. And because BZH talks a lot to HQG in the series and the intimate scenes are cut, HQG’s actions actually don’t seem so fanatical. The novel really disturbs me in how FGG portrays HQG’s train of thought. Sometimes I worry for FGG as exactly how much of herself did she use to write the character of HQG? I know the theme of her book is obsession but some bits and actions are really scary and smothering.
But what do you think abt Liying's performance? Since this is how you describe HQG, I feel Liying a bit too zen. I just feel on a deeper level a much better actress in the dramatic sense would have made HQG much complex. I like Liying but I feel something is lacking.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm. The above is just my personal opinion and I may be over-analysing her character. I think ZLY hits the mark on HQG's cuteness and youth. Acting wise, I find that she is adequate for what the series wants to show but I'm not finding that the series is digging very deep anyway. I haven't seen a scene yet where ZLY really required to act. So hard to judge whether it is her acting or the plot which is the problem. I'm looking forward to when she is exiled.
ReplyDeleteThe part where BZH is poisoned and HQG trying to get him to drink her blood is very draggy and seems to go on forever. The scene is sad but I get irritated by the clingyness.
In the series, the difference between BZH and HQG is lessened and they behave more as equals so not sure if the inferiority HQG feels still as strong.
If not ZLY, I can't picture any other actress in the role. LSS?
Are you reading the novel?
LSS will ruin the series. She has the capability of making a character unlikable. A younger sun li. Liying is ok but like you say not much depth. Not to say character no depth. Hqg has a lot to deal with but i find liying did not quite portray those urgency and desperation. She just looks really really busy. But i like that she makes hqg playfulness ratger innocent. Biggest test is as angry seductress.
DeleteOh never see them as equals. Hqg is desperate for bzh approval in everything but not clearly shown. And they cant be equal. There has to be a disparity in rank age outlook and all. Maybe Wallace didn't portray his weariness enough.but I think the problem lies with liying. Not desperate enough.
DeleteThe part on the blood drinking is to show her persistent and increasing desperation leading her to do what she did. Essential, more so than hugs and kisses. Not really clingyness.
DeleteI said more as equals but did not mean that are equal. They can't be equals because he is her teacher but if you compare it to the novel, Wallace's BZH cares a lot about what she thinks or feels and shows her a lot of respect. And they talk a lot as well. A lot of warmth has been added to BZH in the series in addition to the kindness that he had in the novel.
DeleteAs for HQG, the series has raised her age so I do see them visually as two adults rather than an adult with a kid who goes up to his waist. But there is an intentional disparity in age between them but not too much to make them look incompatible. This is needed for the plot.
ZLY's acting is not great but i think she is the most suitable actress in terms of age, looks and acting for the role. I do like her a lot and I am even bracing myself to watch "Yun Zhong Ge" for her guest role and you know how much i like Yu Zheng.
DeleteBut I have to admit, she needs to look sadder. Maybe it is because she's not allowed to cry for this character and she's holding back some emotion. She needs to work on her eyes.
LSS overdoes her cuteness a lot that it becomes too modern. She can act, but her ability to act fluctuates from series to series. I haven't seen anythimg from her that has moved me since BBJX.
I find her more zoned out that ZLY at times and her eyes look sleepy and bored when not crying.
Sorry, meant LSS's eyes seems more zoned out than Zanilla. Have trouble typing on phone.
DeleteAnd Zanilla's HQG won't be a sexy seductress. She'll be more feminine in DG mode but I doubt any sexiness. She does not have the face or figure for sexiness. She looks too 正經 even with the heavy makeup.
I was impressed with her evil role in "The Palace" where her eyes really glinted with malice. But the sex scenes were really bad. She tried to be seductive when naked in the bathtub but it didn't come across as sexy to me. Zanilla looked really shy and uncomfortable in the BTS when filming those scenes.
Actually, I take my comment about Zanilla not looking sad enough. She looks very sad and desperate in ep 36 uncut in the scene with Shuo Feng. And she did it without shedding a tear. She's doing fine for now.
DeleteSaw that scene. Still lacking something. Can't put my finger in what it is but something. Something to differentiate idol drama acting and CCTV acting so to speak. Not that CCTV action is always great. Like I said, I like her but something... Liu Yi Fei when she first started out maybe but her acting was at best wooden. She can't be cute. Now? No. Still wooden. Too cold. If there is a female BZH she can be that.
DeleteLYF was cute in Chinese Paladin but her acting was bad. But she did suit Xiao Long Nu.
DeleteBTW, you know everyone is calling BZH "Xiao Long Nan (小龍男)" right? They have a lot of similarities. Hehehe.
Because both wear white, both are clueless as to emotions, both are emotionless, both are ethereally beautiful, both I assume are virginal and both are powerful and life disrupted by their unruly disciple?
DeleteYeap I can see that!
I also read Wallace has been associated with god knows how many Nu Wa descendent in his c drama career. That was funny!
Yes I was first gobsmacked by LYF as XLN. She was absolutely gorgeous and suited her role until it requires her to act. Gotta admit; she is not a very good actress.
Just watch this with a grain of salt. It is meant to be harsh and twisted for comedic effects. XLM reference from 2.20 onwards. :D
What would you think about Liu Yiu Fei as HQG? Her acting has improved a lot in the past two years. But she's not as cute. Maybe I am biased. Still prefer Zanilla.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, don't expect too much from the book to be shown in the rest of the series. A lot of characters would be cut and the 16 year separation would probably be finished in a song.
Potential Plot to be Omitted from the series are:
- No demonic mermaid means no war god (I actually like the war god, Grrr.) Zhu Ran will probably be merged with him and they will rush through how DFYQ helps them escape from the netherworld. Probably be over in 2.5 eps.
- No homosexual taoist who ate his brother (Ok with that. If they didn't let Yun Yi bite his brother's corpse then definitely no eating)
- You Ruo will be mortal and not from the Yan Shui Jade so the 4-5 chapters where she bonds with HQG will most probably be cut.
- SARFT doesn't like demons and no war god so no major good vs evil battle and no celestial constellation trap that BZH sets for HQG and DFYQ. We'll probably be left with a 5 minute battle with some half-baked CGI battle between Chang Liu and 7 Sha orcs.
- No demonic kiss so heaps of crazy murder scenes gone as this kid is so nice. Cave scene also shortened as we have seen.
- No kissing allowed so 3 eps gone from BZH and HQG. SQM is probably going to hug HQG instead. Dong Fang won't get anything (sob sob).
- Mo Bing Xian is no more so his 5 chapters are gone.
- No seduction, biting, drinking or bed scenes allowed so another 5 chapters gone.
- Zanilla's Demon God will probably only exist for 2 eps.
So yeah, I think we can fit the remaining bits of the book into 18 eps of 40 min episodes.
That is too much ground to cover but all these are absolutely unnecessary so am happy they're cut because it deviates from the story of these 2 individuals. I think the 1 kissing scene should be in but the blood and all will be out. Bed scenes would be in since just bed and not much else. But maybe shortened.
DeleteHomosexual taoist who ate his brother?
And why would Yun Yi bite his bro's corpse??
The jealous kiss everyone is saying won't exist because MBX is gone.. what about Zhu Ran taking his place?
Aren't you reading the book now? I'll discuss with you when you get to those subplots.
DeleteI actually was disappointed that the demonic kid was not evil. That was a really good twist in the novel and it added to HQG's tragedy because her feelings got made used of again. He gave her his powers as a decoy and so that the demonic powers could live on. The demonic kid manipulated HQG to misunderstand BZH's motive in killing him. We could see both BZH's decisiveness, sternness yet mercy in dealing with Na Wu Yue. And HQG's bond with NWY was very strong on the novel because he fed on her blood. He was actually born evil but because of his seven days with HQG, he built up 2 personalities - one good and one bad.
In the series, the demonic kid is just a good natured kid who was born with demonic powers. I think they are trying to build on HQG's similar past and thus fasttrack their bonding. He is like sacrificial like HQG as well. So when BZH wants to kill him instead of HQG, what reasons are they going to give us so that BZH's reputation is not tarnished?
Don't mind BZH and HQG kissing but HQG and ZR? No. No. No.
MBX was nice and understanding to HQG and she was moved. But she only kissed MBX and did other stuff with him because she saw him as a replacement for the man who she could not have - BZH. She's not going to cheat on BZH with ZR! Ewwwww! And ZR is not going to cheat on LX!
The eng translation hasn't reached that part yet. I think some are just summaries rather than actual translation. Right now it is at the Shuo Feng sacrifice part so I believe some way to go.
DeleteYou know, books like Galileo get translated (and done very well), Gu Long at least had 1 but no one has yet to translate any of these officially. Maybe too long or they think no commercial appeal. I think learning to read chinese is a bit too late for me!
HQG had to kiss someone to ignite the jealous kiss so if not ZR, then who? SQM?? That's sister! Or that demon young man? Or maybe since she has so much power can;'t she conjure up a lookalike BZH? Like her own love doll!!!
By the way I saw some disturbing fan arts. I feel to sexualise the whole thing and emphasising on her young look is really terrible. The last thing I want is wallace to be associates with a pedo story.
I learnt most of my Chinese reading Jin Yong novels with an Chinese-English dictionary at hand. I don't read much nowadays but if I do find something I like, I can read nonstop for hours straight. I read "Hua Qian Gu" in about one week. I'm going to start on Fei Wo Si Cun's "Eastern Palace" later in the year.
ReplyDeleteRegarding BZH's kiss, he was undoubtedly jealous of his HQG being so intimate with another man, but he was more worried and disappointed that HQG almost fell for Mo Yan's trap. If he did not walk in on them at that moment, HQG would have lost her virginity to MBX who would have severely weakened her demonic powers by sucking them away. Mo Yan was waiting for that to happen so he can attack and kill her.
BZH saw it as his failure to protect HQG as he understands it is because of her feeelings for him that led her to nearly have sex with MBX. He's also frustrated that he has sacrificed himself repeatedly to protect this woman and draw her back to the good side but she just ends up running in the opposite direction. So I find BZH's kiss to be a combination of guilt, jealousy and frustration rather than sexual. So I don't get the crazy fan arts and I just ignore it. But as far as the age of HQG is concerned, blame the novel because not only was HQG 14 in appearance, she was also short in stature and her body was stunted before puberty, so she probably looked even younger. I just ignore those pics as it is not right in my mind.
You mean if she losses her virginity she losses some of her demonic powers? What if she losses it to BZH? Oh come on!! Oldest "have sex lose power" trick in the world!!
DeleteHow do you learn reading Jin Yong? You must have basic knowledge right? How??
DeleteFirst of all, BZH doesn't want it!
DeleteSecondly, Mo Yan's scheme will only work if it is with MBX who was born with some special power that is able to suck away a person's life force with any skin contact. His previous girlfriends all died. HQG felt something was going on whenever he touched her but she did not mind losing a little since her demonic powers were so great and she enjoyed his company as he reminded her of BZH who by this time, had stopped sleeping next to her due to the aphrodisiac incident.
By purely holding HQG, MBX was able to tap into her memories and saw things from her POV, felt pity for her and thus gradually fell in love with her. So no, it will only happen if she became intimate with MBX, Nothing will happen with BZH.
Back then, I had some basic knowledge of Chinese words like "you", "me", verbs, nouns. I could make simple sentences but I could not read newspapers or any advanced chinese materials. I did go to Chinese school on the weekends but they only teach you basic stuff like "I have a brown dog. I like dogs, etc..."
DeleteWhen I first picked up a Jin Yong novel, I was 6-7. I could recognise the character's names and the names of places and even the names of kungfu stances, but I had no idea of the descriptions or the poetry verses or the actions. So I wrote down all the words or phrases that I had difficulty with and either by using my dictionary or asking my parents, I got the meaning. I kept going through the notebooks in reading and writing the new vocabulary until it got imprinted in my mind.
I still don't understand everything that I read but I can make out what the overall meaning is and then look it up. I can now understand Chinese poetry and most chinese novels. There was a time where I actually copied the 300 Tang Dynasty poems and I still know a few off by heart. I'm also a Chinese history/mythology nut so I have read some history books as well as information off the internet in Chinese.
In terms of reading, the writing style and words in "Hua Qian Gu" is not that hard to read. Fresh Guo Guo actually recycles the same description several times throughout the novel so you will get it after a few times. But it is the Taoist and Buddhist terminology that throws me off.
Have you read that close your eyes, he's here? I wonder between the two which is more difficult?
DeleteAlso you read simplified chinese?
Haven't read it and don't plan to. Not my type of story unless it has a really good detective story. But I can read both traditional and simplified chinese.
DeleteI have always wondered why the nails don't hit BZH in the face or in the eye.
ReplyDeleteBecause that will be crime worse than releasing demon god plus lucifer. And it avoids his real vitals as in there and there and there.
DeleteBut it will be the ultimate sacrifice. The hottest guy in the six realms sacrifices his face!!!! Mwhahaha!
Delete"DISCIPLE MEETS HER SHIFU AGAIN *Prior to capture?*"
ReplyDeleteIt actually looks like their brief talk before she gives him the ultimatum and possibly fight.
After all the biting, sucking, sleeping kissing, self mutilation, rolling around, crying and all, and they look remarkably.. calm prior to big fight?
DeleteYessssssss, thank you for the post of HQG came back to life. I am so happy and look forward to the ending now. I was so devastated to hear that HQG died. I want to see NMT and MY die at the ending. will this happen??
ReplyDeleteRumour has it MY will die a noble death redeeming himself. NMT probably will die to but let me guess; not before she has her say in her grudge against HQG.
ReplyDeletethis drama is going to end tomorrow...... noooooo
ReplyDeletebut I can't also wait to see the ending. I watched it live, but couldn't understand a thing they're saying. Eng sub is being slow now. Love your sneak peak to the future episode. Wish you could post more of the ending. When BZH confessed his feeling?? When HQG reborn and become his disciple again? only two more episodes, seem like they rush the ending.
so the end, is she gonna just die like that?? is that it?? nooooooooooooo
ReplyDeleteEr....I read earlier, you mentioned Wallace is done with this series, he despised filming this why ah? I really think his role as the Teacher, Leader of Changliu very well acted. I don't think (personal opinion) anyone can portray a better Bai Zi Hua than Wallace.
ReplyDeleteTo a certain extent, I "understand" Hua Qian Gu. Perhaps it's like what we call a school girl crush since she was 16 (in the drama) when she met Mo Bing (Bai Zi Hua) as she never had a friend before, not to mention one as handsome as Wallace. The crush carried on even when she was his disciple. But when did the crush turned sexual, can't understand like she suddenly wants more than what they were before. On the otherhand, men are men, Shifu included. They don't put LOVE their top priority. Yes he probably loves her but the 3 magic words never came out. Action speaks louder than words for most men. But Qian Gu just want the 3 words to be out from his mouth.
I don't know is it me or anyone else felt the same, after finishing the whole drama, is like HAH! WHAT! I felt shortchanged. I expected the ending to be longer. No doubt is lovey dovey moments on the raft & flying to somewhere but how did Mo Yan sacrifice himself? At least tell. How long was Shifu mad or crazy? It makes me frustrated like can't find closure to the drama.
It is the way he said it in various interviews. He can love BZH but I think he detested the filming conditions.