All about The Journey Of Flower aka Hua Qiangu, the TV series

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There are 2 versions of this series; the Hunan TV version which is shorter, more episodes and about 15 minutes ahead with possible more or lesser scene and the Uncut version which is longer per episode and is about 15 minutes slower. Uncut doesn't mean it is not censored. I am following the Uncut version, so all the videos for download and recaps are based on Uncut version. The subbers at Viki is also following the uncut version. Please take note of that.

All pictures are thumbnails, even if animated images so do click on them for the original size!
Don't bookmark specific posts except for Episode Reviews because they're dynamic; I will often update the post with latest date, so better to use and you can always find the link in the sidebars.

I welcome comments, I welcome spoilers so post away. I mean I already know the ending!


13.6.15 Written by Funn Lim No comments Post a comment
The following is a semi recap plus review plus opinion on the specific episodes, emphasising more on the review than the recap. Spoilers alert and highly opinionated. Read at your peril.


Oh so beautiful.

BZH is really trying hard to kick her out, finding reasons and yet reasons within reasons is telling him she must stay. It is like he doesn't do anything, but does make life rather difficult for her because by default life is difficult for her. I find so many similarities with other books like her smell attracts beasts and all (like Percy Jackson), going through such tests for survival (Hunger Games) and now being in position of power she never asked for but was entrusted on her but will give BZH the perfect reason to kick her out thus saving himself by distancing himself from her (like any Jin Yong heroes except Jin Yong heroes may have difficult start in life, they do go through hardships with  a bit flair and a whole lotta luck, unlike poor HQG). And yet he likes her; she is genuine, she has no wants nor needs like others, she is a sincere person and so how can an uprighteous person like BZH ever be part of the bully culture to kick her out who represents innocence even if she is a demon within? Poor girl though.

By the way I still feel the whole on set aesthetic of this series is too OTT for me. Even fairy land must be grounded in some reality. And I feel the seats for the 3 leaders of the sect is looking rather uncomfortable for the actors. They look sloppy sitting on those wooden or whatever seat.

So far so good. In far so far getting better that it is believable that BZH an other worldly man who knows a lot finds himself asking questions about this girl who is innocence personified who doesn't know much. Very interesting.


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