All about The Journey Of Flower aka Hua Qiangu, the TV series

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There are 2 versions of this series; the Hunan TV version which is shorter, more episodes and about 15 minutes ahead with possible more or lesser scene and the Uncut version which is longer per episode and is about 15 minutes slower. Uncut doesn't mean it is not censored. I am following the Uncut version, so all the videos for download and recaps are based on Uncut version. The subbers at Viki is also following the uncut version. Please take note of that.

All pictures are thumbnails, even if animated images so do click on them for the original size!
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I welcome comments, I welcome spoilers so post away. I mean I already know the ending!


24.7.15 Written by Funn Lim 2 Comments Post a comment
The following is a semi recap plus review plus opinion on the specific episodes, emphasising more on the review than the recap. Spoilers alert and highly opinionated. Read at your peril.

Are you really happy? Is this really what you really want? Does destroying Hua Qiangu really doesn't matter to you? - Donghua to Dongfang

In this episode you will see 3 things;

1. How can you even like DFYQ? He is beyond evil, he is insane and yet he is the clearest minded of them all. He should be hating the one who killed his dad (Donghua) and yet he dedicated his entire hatred to BZH. Twisted and yet he really just wanted to expose the hypocrisy of them all, the most powerful being BZH was most tactless when he said what he said to a young boy but DFYQ really knows how to hold a grudge. And he even got things wrong. Wugou killed himself, yet he said BZH killed him. BZH did save HQG and yet he said BZH let HQG walk into a trap knowingly. In other words, DFYQ was the ancient time's spin doctor. BZH again asks him who he is (BZH surely has a bad memory!) and says whatever he plans, he won't win because good triumphs over evil. What did DFYQ do? He doesn't care.

2. Donghua is the world's biggest wuss and traitor. He stood by and let DFYQ cause the death of one of his sworn brothers, Tanfan, he let him hurt ZX, he let him plan all those things against BZH, he even protected DFYQ from Tanfan who was fighting back. Tell me, if that is not a wuss, what is? Who is a wuss? Donghua, he's the wuss. And biggest traitor of them all and a coward as well. At least Wugou died a glorious death.

3. What a miserable bunch of immortals, today 1 more died. So many blood spitting scene and rather beautifully done, I will admit that much.

Of course ZX brought it on herself. She went to see DFYQ in disguise as the Pavilion Master seeking a way to kill HQG and he gave her a dagger that if not controlled well will even kill the one who wields it. ZX went to find a comatose HQG who was so distraught at what she was told, she was still in coma, in her dream where she dreamt ZX rushing to kill her but instead her own shifu stabbed her. Anyway BZH arrived to save the day and I suppose what hurts ZX more was BZH actually fought back so hard and powerful, ZX herself was mortally wounded although later we find out the dagger had a part to play. I thought perhaps BZH has crossed the line as well. Surely there must be another way? And ZX is insane anyway. So to save her life, Tanfan on the advice of  DFYQ in disguise who really wanted to see them all suffer, said Tanfan has to give life to save life. So he used up all his cultivated energy and well, died. ZX cried, asking;

Why are you so foolish? I am not worth it...

Perhaps she should say this to herself when it comes to BZH. Tanfan dying said;

You are worth my life..

and died. 

Uncut version stopped here but cut version will end with ZX turning to the dark side I think.

Anyway happiest was DFYQ, worst is when all this was happening, Donghua in disguise was looking on, doing nothing and when he did wanted to, DFYQ asked him;

One of them must die. Who do you want to see live?

And I guess perhaps he too was in love with ZX, because he chose to do nothing knowing Tanfan will do all he can to save ZX's life. And guess what? There ends the miserable drunkard life of Tanfan whilst ZX never learns; she will go on to hurt BZH, causing HQG to mortally wound her own shifu with a poison so powerful, BZH was planning his funeral. You know what, maybe ZX is BZH's calamity. She's the one causing all of BZH's woes. And BZH doesn't even care if she lives or dies. I would wish in next episode maybe he goes to visit her to find out if she's ok but I doubt he will. Kinda cold man!

Before that, HQG was still in coma. Deep coma. Whilst Tangbao and DFYQ arrive to accompany him, DFYQ in his own moment was impressed  that BZH was very meticulous in his care for  HQG as Tangbao takes care of HQG, our handsome immortal plays the magic harp perched on top of huge stones to ease HQG's mind from nightmares. Donghua even said in surprise that BZH who favoured no attachments, no ties have now changed. Anyway I wonder did BZH like say Hmmmm I will sit here to play the harp?

Beautiful effect though, the one special effect I like apart from the original no CGI needed handsome shifu.

Even when ZX attacked, shifu carried HQG and she was still in coma until ZX was carried away by Tanfan, then she woke up to see her shifu and then fainted again. When she finally and truly woke up, her first thought was...

Did I kill shifu? Has the calamity prediction came true? Oh no... I have caused injuries to shifu again....

Poor thing. BZH doesn't know Wugou told her about the calamity thing so he also doesn't know why HQG was so troubled. Tangbao worried about HQG said shifu is ok, a bit injured but resting but HQG kept thinking she has hurt him again and caused injuries again. And so she decided she wants to go back to her old village, Tangbao thought everyone was going but HQG has made up her mind;

Shifu, Xiaogu could not stay by your side anymore. Xiaogu must leave you.

Because in her mind she just wants her shifu to be safe. And I was so happy with this short scene. Because it shows HQG is not someone who just ignore the signs or defy the fate and all that stuff. She isn't needlessly naive or foolish or dumb. She did want to leave her shifu, out of love for her shifu. She blames herself again and again. I bet shifu will stop her and tell her he doesn't believe in the calamity crap. Ever notice with Wugou, for 2 years he was fine with Yunya until he found out about the calamity thing, kicked her out and all went downhill. Even after Yunya's death, Wugou kept killing. Meaning he was obsessed with the calamity, he was controlled by the calamity but in the end it was in his mind. If BZH never knew HQG was his calamity for life, they probably would be just fine. It's everyone overreacting that makes the calamity curse seem like true when in fact, it is nothing. I don't see Wugou constantly falling down on his face not knowing why when Yunya was by his side. Is this the side effect of adding in the calamity curse? That it actually makes no sense?

But Xiaogu asks DFYQ about calamity and what DFYQ told her alarmed her; no way to break the calamity curse, unless death. Which means either HQG kills herself or she leaves. She really really love her shifu. I bet shifu won't let her leave because it is not in his nature to bow down to fate. And he loves her too. As for DFYQ, probably the world's biggest two faced hypocrite but I feel Donghua has that title for now. How can any fan ship DFYQ who did all he did and still be friendly to HQG in his two face mode. BZH is leaps and bounds more honest with his Xiaogu, he really treats her well and respects her and cares for her. DFYQ cares for her but his desire to destroy outweighs his care for her and so by maintaining his friendliness with HQG, that makes my blood boil!

Meanwhile, however cute HQG is, she gets no love from Mo Yan. At Changliu, Shiyi was so concerned about her he wanted to bring her medicine and guess what? Mo Yan forbids him because he really doesn't care shit about HQG. Who else doesn't?

Ni Mantian. Her story here is like a deviation from the last episode. I wanted so much to see HQG look at her shifu's eyes and ask "Am I your calamity curse? Will I get you killed?" and instead this episode started with Mo Yan being heartless and a shitty jerk and then moved on to Ni Mantian and her quest to learn a forbidden kung fu manual her father has just to beat HQG simply because DFYQ in disguise (and this guy is everywhere!!) said she won't beat HQG until such a drastic action. Shuo Feng is somewhat in love with her  which shows however shitty unkind evil spoilt brat you are, as long as you look like Ni Mantian, even a stone will fall for you. Rubbish isn't it? Anyway her father won't let her learn because she will become a man if she learns. I am not bothered with her story so I won't recap any further except to add she wants to do all that because...

a. she wants to beat HQG
b. she is angry HQG got to go traveling with BZH and learn so much stuff
c. BZH who is leader of Changliu should be at the swords competition and yet he's not there and he's with HQg
d. and all she gets to do is practise sword. Maybe she can ask Shiyi to bring her out. I just feel Shiyi is not a good master. He can't even control his students.

And that's that. All boil down to ..

Why everyone loves HQG? Why everyone is helping her? What's so special about her?

Maybe she didn't get the memo. The I HATE HQG list is as follows:-

1. Mo Yan
2. ZX
3. Wugou
4. Tanfan (consider lar)
5. everyone at SQM's lair except SQM
6. her entire village
7. evil twin at Shu Shan
8. everybody other than the handsome men
9. Even DFYQ by his actions is doing harm to HQG

So NMT, seriously, you need to recheck the list. Most wants HQG dead.

Anyway exciting episodes ahead. I am sure my recap will have more pictures. Question is will there be a first kiss scene between HQG and BZH? Even if it is just an illusion?


Please avoid listing spoilers for future episodes. You can write those speculations and spoilers in the post about Speculations and Spoilers. No vulgarity. Other than that, post away!

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