The following is a semi recap plus review plus opinion on the specific episodes, emphasising more on the review than the recap. Spoilers alert and highly opinionated. Read at your peril.
So.. it is true no one in the world could survive their fated calamity... - BZH
And I thought BZH was thinking about his sudden newfound feelings for HQG when he had flashbacks about her when it is really the realisation that he is indeed doomed.
Well he and HQG were in the cauldron being cooked alive by the magical fire when he used his last strength to push HQG out as he was being burnt alive when HQG refused to leave him, wanted to die with him, braked and screamed, eyes turned purple and shifu saw it but well.. just so you know, meant no huge revelation for him in this or several episodes. Anyway it was her inner last goddess mode, she pulled BZH out and to the total disbelief of SCQ, they escaped out. No one ever escaped the cauldron it seems but these 2 did. Maybe BZH could if he wasn't so injured. Anyway, once out, they both fought SCQ but shifu was injured and HQG was no great fighter and so this happened...
Pretty huh? And then this happened ...
The blood's dark!! Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! And here you must look at where the droplet landed, near his eyes and next you see this...
One drop actually got into Wallace's eyes. You can see how red one eye is. Professionalism I tell ya! I love you Wallace!!
Anyway they escaped. But BZH was so injured he could no longer walk, he fell onto the snow (still on Snow Mountain) and HQG begged her shifu to move, to escape whilst he told her to leave, In typical HQG style, she never listened and she held onto him as she spoke about cooking for him, going back to Changliu, of good times but shifu was motionless and then SCQ and his minions arrived and ready to attack but shifu was too weak to do anything and suddenly, Donghua appeared with browless woman to save them which was strange but it was really a sweet thing as I shall explain later. Anyway HQG was so injured it was her 100000000 times she fainted and ended up on sick bed back in Changliu.
Once she awakened, she was taken care by the silly Qing Luo who told her shifu looked ok, except a bit pale and that she was tasked with taking care of HQG. But HQG was worried, and she went to her shifu who absolutely refused to see her. We see him looking... ok....
So she left after he told her too but in actual fact he looked paler and he wasn't feeling ok. All he could say was to advise her to practice hard for the upcoming sword competition. So she reluctantly left.
But where is Tangbao? Well we see Tangbao rushing back and met with a slightly irritated Shiyi who felt Tangbao could have given him more attention admist one gorgeous backdrop..

Anyway she rushed back to HQG and HQG learnt that Tangbao went to Yi Xiuge (I hope I got the name right, you know, where Dongfang stays in his alt identity as Master Pavilion or whatever) and begged the Master for help to save HQG and shifu and amazingly all she had to repay was to do a few days of chores. HQG thought that was easy. Sweet huh? We all know why don't we? Anyway HQG asked Tangbao if she knew any antidote for the Divine Cauldron's poison and Tangbao was alarmed and said no easy antidote but can try looking at the Changliu library since they have many books and HQG made Tangbao swear never ever to tell anyone about Divine Cauldron and poison, Shiyi included and she promised.
Meanwhile, poor shifu can't be left in peace to die. Mo Yan and Sheng Xiaomo (4th brother)... this one..
I really really love his costume. A bit more playful than the strict BZH or mature Mo Yan and a dash of colours as well. Anyway I shall refer to him as SXM from now on.. both visited BZH and faced a locked door which is really an automatic door, opened by itself. Anyway Mo Yan wanted to discuss about serious stuff but seriously BZH was too busy trying not to die and growing so weak, he can't even magically summon a cup of tea and Mo Yan heard the cup fell and questioned BZH but SXM sensed something and so pushed Mo Yan away when BZH said he wanted to be left alone to cultivate his 10th level as he felt after the recent trip he saw so much suffering he knew he needed to get to that level which was all BS since he was just trying to push busybody Mo Yan away.
Meanwhile HQG went looking for clues and found a recipe for cure poison and was very happy and then noticed a locked section of forbidden books. She wanted to open the door and got caught by who else but Mo Yan. Who?
This one...he hates HQG and questioned her, asked why BZH suddenly in retreat lar, what was his epiphany lar and SXM laughed and said...
Eldest brother, have you underestimated older brother's ability to understand or overestimated HQG's ability to comprehend our brother's epiphany?
Which was funny and Mo Yan knew he was being stupid and so gently, first time ever, GENTLY told HQG to leave and SXM actually helped HQG to escape this time.
Next we see HQG cooking and finally, can see the kitchen. Why would our hottest immortal ever who never eats have a kitchen at his Hall of Emotionless or something? Ahhhhh.. don't know. Like do they have toilets? They have auto door, must have auto flush? Anyway she cooked, placed it in front of his door but he remained alone inside, refused to even see her and she was worried and he was looking... terrible...
So beautiful.. I mean so sick... anyway shifu never coughed, not even sneezed and when he coughed he knew his cover was up and HQG heard it and was so worried she begged to see him but he told her to leave!!! She left and then cooked and came back and noticed food not touched and for the entire night this was what she did...
It was at once cute and heart breaking to watch and also annoying because themesong and end song being played back to back. Anyway, in the morning he saw her shadow and he finally opened the door and saw her on her knees and asleep and he was moved by her dedication. He also looked pale but not too bad since HQG already knew he was poisoned but didn't know how serious. She opened her eyes and immediately crawled on her knees to hug his waist crying...
Shifu.. Xiaogu thought shifu didn't want Xiaogu anymore!!!
Of course shifu denied and said..
Of course not... I just needed to retreat and meditate to push the poison out. Don't worry Xiaogu...
HQG was not fooled easily. She looked exceedingly worried and blamed herself for everything, and then BZH told a lie. Probably his first ever lie. He said at some mountain there is a particular flower that can help cure his poison. HQG immediately said she will find it and bring it back. So she made him drink some medicine and immediately left to get the flower. But it was a lie. Shifu was very sick and he turned and saw SXM standing behind him and SXM said;
This injury must be very serious. You didn't even feel my presence at all!
And SXM said BZH sent HQG on a thankless fruitless search because that flower is difficult to find and only those of certain level of cultivation can find. Ha! BZH knew of course. So BZH confessed because there were 4 brothers of Changliu and Dong Hua was 2nd but he always felt SXM was the most sensitive one even if he acted like he didn't care. He told him the truth and BZH said sadly..
BZH : Brother, the 4 of us, how long have we been at Changliu?
SXM : I.. can't remember..Too long perhaps...
BZH : How many years have I lived? I am dying brother. The cauldron's poison has seeped onto my bones and all my major organs. I don't have long to live.
It was a sad observation because he lived too long I suppose. What was said next was a bit too zen for me...
SXM : Even we are not immune to death... Brother, you must put your affairs to order. The leadership at Changliu must be decided. Your responsibility is too much, you must ensure all are properly in order. I know you're worried about HQG and what eldest brother will do to her if he finds out...
BZH : She is.. innocent. Promise me you will take care of her...
SXM : Don't worry brother. Put your affairs to order.
And it was too zen for me. SXM seemed so zen like to the revelation that BZH is dying. But perhaps they have lived for many many years. It is rather sad to hear BZH so tired of living. I think he was very tired with Changliu stuff and that life wasn't as carefree anymore and I guess he was tired of living. That sounded like a man who lived more than 300 years I tell ya!
So HQG rushed off to get the flower.
Meanwhile, you must ask what an immortal must do to get some peacefulness? Because there comes Zixun. I mean HQG, Mo Yan, and now Zixun. Poor BZH. If he is not dead by poison, he is being hounded to death by these 3 people. Well Zixun wanted to see him, swore she never wanted to hurt him, it was HQG's fault.. same dialogue and BZH said he is fine, poison's out, she can leave but she wouldn't believe and said she needs to see him so she can use the cauldron to make an antidote. Truth is, BZH knew this.. it was too late for that. So Zixun wanted to push her way in when SXM appeared and told her the truth to her face, for once!!
Ahhhh Fallen Immortal Zixun, I am afraid my brother is not free to see you. I am however tasked with greeting guests and allow me to be your host.
But Zixun insisted on going in and SXM said it as it is..
Immortal Zixun, I feel it is highly inappropriate you enter into Hall of Emotionless without restriction. After all there is a line between good and evil and since you are now a fallen immortal, your presence here is highly inappropriate AND... older brother's current condition is really thanks to you....
Ahhhh yes! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! That's it! SXM said it like it is! And BZH inside looked... like he agreed... So Zixun who knew she lost the battle of words said...
Zihua, you must live! You will live on! You will not die!
At that point I think BZH is just glad she left. SXM was. But next, BZH was well enough to see Mo Yan and Mo Yan felt he looked pale but otherwise not alarmed but he was alarmed when BZH said he needed to concentrate on his 10th level thingy and wanted Mo Yan to take the leadership for the time being. Mo Yan refused, said he wasn't merciful enough? Whatever. They all looked at SXM who refused. Then SXM crazily suggeted Shiyi! Surely there must be someone! And finally Mo Yan did the unthinkable; he fell to his knees to beg BZH to reconsider. BZH was sorta shocked and SXM said BZH was just trying to put affairs to order as he retreats to a long spell of cultivation and since he has given so much to Changliu, it was a fair request but Mo Yan said before their shifu died..
SHIFU's SHIFU.. DIED??!?!??! But he is an immortal! How can immortals die? How did he die? When did he die? WHAT ON EARTH ... WHY IS HE DEAD?
Anyway shifu's shifu is not a great shifu. Because he was the one who told BZH to KILL the fated calamity (something Mo Yan took to heart for BZH) and now Mo Yan revealed shifu's shifu said only BZH can maintain Changliu, for as long as BZH is present, so will Changliu be present. Which means Changliu is doomed soon. So in the end BZH couldn't give away his position, Mo Yan will takeover for awhile until BZH is out of his cultivation thingy.
Poor BZH. I think even as a mist also he must run Changliu.
Meanwhile, HQG went of to some mountain and guess what? She found the flower perched on top of some mythical beast which doesn't exist and suddenly here is one. I mean all these elements comes and goes in this series. But when I first saw the beast ..
I thought.. SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Anyway she got the flower very easily. Because even shifu forgotten about the fact that
1. her eyes turned purple
2. she defeated Wugou
3. she pulled him out of the cauldron
4. she drained his powers
I mean shifu, if you're not too busy dying, entertaining Mo Yan, fending off Zixun, you might notice your disciple is someone special..
Anyway HQG flew back to Changliu with the flower but she looked.. I don't know.. uncertain .. afraid she hurt the poor beast? Will the beast play a bigger role later? Will he forgive her for taking his flowers?
Before I end this recap (which is seriously no longer a review!!), there was a useless moment for NMT. Still as jealous, spreading rumours that HQG is a slut coming in between BZH and Zixun and causing Zixun to be a fallen immortal and all that rubbish. Shuofeng pulled her away and when NMT jelaously cried "HQG IS A SLUT! HQG IS A SLUT! HQG IS A SLUT!", I think to shut her up, he did this..
Damn! Fans were hoping for BZH-HQG kiss and then this super brat trumped HQG in that dept!! She slapped him, he looked shocked that he did what he did... but thank you for shutting her up. Anything to shut her up, because I felt like flying into the telly and shut her up myself but I won't kiss her. I was told in the book there will be a connection between NMT and worms. I would love to stuff worms into her dirty mouth. And later she sneaked into HQG's place and we see HQG holding that naked back hankie and then hastily hid it when she left to get the flowers. I suppose NMT will do the dastardly thing. However how come EVERYONE can enter the Hall of Emotionless? And the auto door opens for everyone?
It's so funny you know. BZH can get no rest, too busy entertaining busybodies to die, Mo Yan is always like 6 cactus and a cucumber up his arse, NMT is forever huffing and puffing in jealousy when seriously HQG is not in an enviable position, Zixun is forever saying the same dialogue like a pre recorded female spirit stuck in a loop but finally in this episode, we see a new perspective; SXM and I like him even if he so zen... I think he is the sort who celebrates death as much as he celebrates life. But then they had lived a long time. So can you imagine how long Zixun has been having this one sided crush on BZH and how suffocating it is for him? No wonder he is also zen too with death.
Anyway I do like this episode.
Magical beast? Check!
Cute disciple? Check!
Sick handsome shifu? Check check!
Understanding brother who I bet most forgot he exists until this episode? Check!!
Heart wrenching moments? Yeap!
The return of the sane SQM? Yeap! He got better and is coming out of his 3 months retreat! Which means BZH has been poisoned for 3 months now.
This is a really entertaining episode but seriously though, some characters need a change of personality. Whilst I may criticise some elements, believe me, this is a great episode even if HQG is the worst disciple that never listens to her shifu but then if she had, he would have been mist.
Point is..
Poisoned state #1
It will get worse.
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