The following are all my posts about the Demon God, Hua Qiangu. Plenty of pictures, lots of spoilers and lots of hate for the look. Read at your own peril.
Way too much make up. Like mad with make up. Still hate the look. Neither passionate nor fiery nor evil. It is like HQG suddenly turn make up mad hippie and that is an oxymoron!
This is the only time I feel the make up dept or costume dept failed miserably. I never liked the Demon God look for HQG when it was all blurry pictures and now that it is clear, I hated it. She doesn't look angry enough, dangerous enough, bitter enough, sexy enough etc etc etc. I feel Fan Bing Bing in The Empress Of China looked far scarier than this one. Sorry, but I feel the look is a mess. Maybe more cleavage, better hairstyle, ditch the red and I don't know, an overhaul or maybe it is just Zhao Liying doesn't suit such heavy make up. Maybe she will look far scarier in all black. She just doesn't look threatening or mental or angry or whatever. She just looked too made up.

After all the teasers, finally the whole look and guess what? I still hate it. It is neither sexy nor scary nor does it radiate power. It just radiates absolute madness and made Liying shorter with that tall hair. I prefer the game mode look which is far sexier and far scarier. The amount of make up on her face is scary though. I have given this series the highest praise when it comes to fashion but this is a total and absolute failure. You should see the pants. Granny pants!! At least some cleavage. At least crazy chopstick haur. At least lose the beads. More colour, less shredded clothes look. If I was BZH, I look at HQG and I will wonder; what on fashion hell happen to you? Where is SQM? He knows how to dress and make up!
Oh and the wedding scene? Uncut or not, either Monday (TV ver) or worse still, next Sunday (uncut) if it is around Episode 30 mark. No worries. It's just an illusion and BZH is NOT in lust with HQG, not yet nor is he in denial.
The more I read spoilers from the books and explanations on what to expect but probably won't get from the TV series, the more I feel if the adaptation follows the book, the series will turn into some frustrating nonsense because it destroys some major characters. Not to mention about all the eroticas and how the blood drinking is described in a rather sexual way, tongue and all. I don't think I am liking the idea so I am happy the adaptation seems to toning down the contents and shifting the focus away from HQG's sexual needs and obvious huge sexual appetite for her handsome shifu who is unable to satisfy her and also all those blood drinking as if they're some sexual encounters, all reading like sex and more sex without the actual sex and present to us a story that befits a love story. If not it feels like 2 people in a toxic relationship destroying one another unintentionally. That is not a love story but a failed love story.

Anyway if you interested, the book translation is going full steam ahead and half is
HERE and the other ongoing half is
HERE. Some are summaries and not actual translation but you get the gist of them all. The gist is I felt like I was reading an erotica. I just can't imagine BZH not really being tortured but actually being raped can be seen as romantic. Or even HQG being "raped" as romantic. One chapter even wrote how he would go to her room at night, bite into her and you know and drink to his heart's content. Like some sleep walking rape. It just feels weird. I'd rather not read the novel. It felt like a twisted fantasy and I better stick to the series where the author has the gift of hindsight and maturity and major censorship to present to us a coherent story that is a love story and not some weird erotica disguised as some fantasy love story. I don't see how romantic of a guy biting you every night or so for the next 2 years and then the girl bites him back later on, etc etc etc.
* Drawings taken from weibo. At first I thought overactive imagination but it happened in the book. But since we can see in the adaptation the chain is butt ugly as opposed to the sexy reimagining in the drawings, we can deduce whatever sexy time in that scene, will be toned down. For once I thank the censorship and I take back my complaints about why HQG won't do this or do that. That was before I read how she actually would do this and do that.
Looks like Dongfang Bu Bai and may I say I HATE IT! Better look good onscreen.
I actually thought Zixun looks far better in black and any wonder why BZH simply refuses this Demon God? I wouldn't want her either. Ugly pants mode!!
Oh and I suppose whenever someone turn demon or too much hatred, they forehead gets a beautiful mark!
And a very happy shifu being tortured. I suppose after this she will see all his scars. I really hate this look. I am sure shifu is like "Xiaogu, with all the demon god's powers, this is the best seductress demon goddess look you can come up with? No, I refuse to kiss you! NO!"
Could the chains be one of the magical items? If not I don't understand how BZH can't break out of them unless he lost all power.
"I want this Xiaogu!!"
There better be some hot kissing scenes for the Demon God mode. Since she dares to kidnap him, tie him up and feel him up, she could force kiss him.
P/S Apparently in the book there is some hot kissing scene plus torture/biting/sleeping scenes, short of a sex scene. Nahhhh not in the series though. I like it that way.
PP/S Apparently in the book there are more things short of just sex but you can say they are analogy for sex. I just hope it won't show our shifu willing or even weak. I like some fighting spirit in him. I can't reconcile Liying with the fan drawings I saw so I don't think those will ever be in the eventual adaptation.
I am trying to find a clear picture of Demon Queen HQG. All I can see is her in red ala DFBB (god no!!) and even in that heart breaking picture I posted where BZH cradled HQG after I believe some hot kissing (because his lips was smeared in red), she was in red. So my guess was ok, must be red like this but this is so video game cosplay;
And Zhao Liying is as sexy as Tang Bao the worm. I hope she is more menacing than sexy. So I am not sure about this. Then I found the following:-
Very cosplay and not Demon looking since in white and more like Last God look you know? No scars also. Is she supposed to have scars? I don't suppose she will look like that when still with BZH. So frankly I am dead confused. I do like this god like look though. Suits her.
Anyway we shall see. Series is almost at halfway point, but the transformation may still be many episodes to go. I hope she looks angry, scorned and menacing. It will be red though, seeing that heart breaking picture. Question is what sort of look? Ahhh the mystery of it all. And I wonder will we ever see any scene of her as the last god? Seems so disconnected, not to see her previous incarnation when it mattered a lot.
Finally an inkling here!!!
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