All about The Journey Of Flower aka Hua Qiangu, the TV series

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There are 2 versions of this series; the Hunan TV version which is shorter, more episodes and about 15 minutes ahead with possible more or lesser scene and the Uncut version which is longer per episode and is about 15 minutes slower. Uncut doesn't mean it is not censored. I am following the Uncut version, so all the videos for download and recaps are based on Uncut version. The subbers at Viki is also following the uncut version. Please take note of that.

All pictures are thumbnails, even if animated images so do click on them for the original size!
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I welcome comments, I welcome spoilers so post away. I mean I already know the ending!


A collection of questions about this series and some answered. Any questions or you have an answer? Use Post A Comment. Spoilers alert.

Book version.

I read he lost his immortality and became mortal when HQG broke the seal he put on her when he tried to hide the fact she had the Demon God power in her. When HQG was so grief stricken by the death of those she holds dear, she broke the seal and became Demon God. That was when BZH loss all his power. He can still fight and all but he is now mortal as in no longer immortal.

I read he gained back his immortality by kissing HQG before her death, drinking her blood. So he became immortal again. But remember even immortals can be killed. Immortal means you live forever, won't age unless you get killed. In her dying moments she used her goddess power to curse him to a truly immortal status, meaning he won't die  no matter what. He won't age plus nothing can harm him. So he can't even kill himself.

TV version.

I read it will be different, of course.

Rumours has it BZH gaining his immortality back is thanks to Zixun. I don't see how that is done so we shall see! As for the curse, it won't happen. But maybe it will in a different form.

Book version.

She got stabbed by Mingsheng Sword and supposedly her soul, everything is gone. But SQM saved a sliver of her dispersed soul. BZH went mad for either 30 or 300 years, depending on which sadistic version you are following looking for HQG and even killing innocent people that people got very scared of him and when he knew SQM had a fragment of her soul, he went in search of SQM to beg SQM to release that soul to be reincarnated. Something like that. What we have then is HQG now dumb or not all there  ad bullied and BZH adopted her as his disciple again and they were together again and contented and afraid one day she might remember her past because before her death she wished she had never fallen in love with him. In many epilogues, one of which I feel if this series was properly shown may have used that ending got to do with a reincarnated DFYQ (who in the book can't live past 25 years old and will be reincarnated with all memories of previous lives intact) and HQG gaining her memory or something like that. Not sure. Point is BZH and HQG will end up together.

TV version.

Rumours has it HQG's revival has something to do with Mo Yan and I hope it is true although I don't see how. HQG did die but no curse, no soul dispersed and definitely no reincarnation. Apparently Mo Yan will sacrifice himself to revive HQG who had no memories and so retire happily with BZH. I hate the no memories part. As if everyone who had sacrificed for her didn't matter as long as she gets to kiss and hug and sleep with BZH as husband and wife. Sorry that's how I feel. I hope she gets her memory back and CHOOSE to stay with BZH. And if Mo Yan does sacrifice himself .. well I posted the following in the forum for the logic of this ending:-

I suppose.. and I never read the book but series wise.. he feels paternal but he is wrong about his feelings which is beyond paternal. he feels responsible for her, blamed himself for whatever she is, whatever she had done,w hatever she had to endure, so he was willing to take on her suffering with her but due to his principle and position, he can't be living with her because remember, at this point he feels he is her shifu and no more.

Much like No That I Love Ceaser less But I Love Rome More aka Not that I love Xiaogu less, but I love changliu more. He can't do things that is gonna be against changliu and if he does live with her, imagine what mo yan and other sects will do. They will attack Changliu and will charge to kill HQG, etc.

So I get him. What I don't get is why don't just prior to the nail punishment just let her run away with SQM? DFYQ is not powerful enough to fight all sects, SQM can do it. Even if HQG doesn't want to, he can just stab her with his sword (lightly) and throw her out. And yet he can't do it. He can't even disown her openly.

His compassion misled him. His kindness hurt him. Now his love will ruin him.

He still cares too much what others think. At the end his way of happiness is to disregard everybody else, to turn his back from the world, to turn his back from his 1000 years of cultivation and order in life and his love for changliu and leave with HQG. NOW that is extreme but I suppose if the spoilers are true with MY doing the sacrifice, in the end if he got the approval of the one guy who is dead set against them, that is his pass to leave changliu. Maybe MY will realise if he had not pushed ZR's mom away (or kill her or whatever) he would be less grumpy so maybe his last words will be

"Zihua, I was a fool. Do as your heart desires. Don't worry about Changliu. Find your own path, your own happiness" and DIE!

If the spoilers are wrong, then I am interested to know the growing list of questions;

1. how to solves BZH's mortality back to immortality

2. how to revive HQG (and please stop with the nonsense loss of memory-what an insult to all who sacrificed for her. She is not the most pitiful person)

3. New question. to to  make BZH's exit from changliu justified; with approval, and without just turning his back on the world. Key is I believe Mo Yan perhaps. I don't know. Love isn't everything. The idea to allow BZH to exit Changliu must be graceful and justified if not I will lose all respect for him.

It has to be graceful, graceful means without hate, without anger, without regrets, without being forced to choose sides that he is allowed to go. I think SXM can give him that go ahead but none more powerful than that of MY's approval. So I like the idea of MY being the catalyst but I am not sure who he will revive HQG in the process. So series gotta explain! If this is true. No fans will blame BZH from just leaving. That's what they want him to do. But I like a better ending where the idea is he can retire happily and unretire one day and the only way is to leave changliu with consent.

Thanks to NaDaFu for the explanation;

Thousand years melting snow, awaiting for my lord to return.

Alt : As a thousand years of snow melts away, I await for my lord's return! (Credit to Elizabeth)


It implies a willingness to wait a thousand years, suggesting that her care/love values him enough to have that level of patience. Also, it implies that the length of time needed for the snow to melt will take a long time (a thousand years being a metaphor).


Literally 'melting snow'. It comes from a phrase that describes the first blossom of spring, when the snow is about to melt. Hinting at all things that are new and beautiful. It's appropriate for SQM because of his value of beauty.


Although it literally means "awaiting for my lord's return", it could also connote waiting for someone you deeply care for, whether in a platonic or romantic way. Not really specific. The ambiguity is intentional methinks. 

How old is Bai Zihua when he met 16 year old Hua Qiangu?

Answer : No sure. Some says 300, some says a thousand year old. Right now not sure at all.

Update : Episode 31 (Uncut), he told ZX they both cultivated for 1000 years. Assuming he started when he was in his 20s and reached his cultivation by late 20s, probably 1000 + 20 plus years.

I think I am reading too much into the names but could there be hidden meanings?

Like the literal translation Vs poetic translation ..

Bai Zihua - Blank Canvas
Hua Qiangu - Thousands of skeletons in the closet
Sha Qianmo - Thousands of demons inside
Mo Yan - Blind

That sort?

Who would you choose as HQG?
A good question was asked at SPCNET and I was typing my answer when I broke SPCNET with all these what ifs because I think SPCNET is sick of what ifs in the Journey Of Flower thread. Anyway, question was as HQG who would I marry? My answer is;

On hindsight, knowing what will happen and who betrayed me, I will never forgive Dongfang no matter his sacrifice and for the love of my beloved shifu, I will stay clear away from him and marry the safest guy who treats me like a goddess, that is Meng Xuanlang. I will be his empress, live a long and full life and then die and then reincarnate and then hopefully break away from that whole calamity cycle and then goes in search of my beloved shifu and reboot our forbidden love affair, except this time he will be much older in age but at least maybe has reached his 10th level of cultivation and so maybe I will just leave him alone. That way no one will die, Zixun won't go bonkers and Ni Mantian can huff and puff all she wants and I will lead a purposeful life rather than a sad life. Why you ask, why Meng Xuanlang? Because I love my shifu the most. I want him to be happy, handsome and scarless and so I will love him by not loving him.


How come Shifu felt power drain in earlier episodes whenever HQG touched him and yet now, they can hug and all?
Thanks to Elizabeth and fellow forumners at SPCNET, the following is a speculation since the power drain plot was never in the book, and is something new introduced by the TV Series adaptation;

As for the touch and power drain, it could be a plot hole or they could probably get away with explaining it with one of the many talisman/charms HQG is wearing. The number of things hanging off her neck seems to be increasing. There's that crystal pendant for TangBao, the bone whistle from SQM, that charm from the emperor, the bell from BZH. Don't know if I'm missing anything but that's a crazy amount of trinkets to wear around.

In the book, it did say HQG's attractiveness to demons was diminished when she wore all the pendants so I guess you're right but the writers haven't explained it properly.

My answer is ... plot hole and conveniently forgotten. Or maybe the effect is lessen when HQG herself could control her own power without realising it when she practiced Chang Liu kung fu OR her shifu was able to withstand the power drain in time since he is now not surprised by it.

What did HQG wrote on the hankie where she drew her shifu's beautiful perfect flawless back?
Again, thanks to Elizabeth, our resident HQG Answerer;




I will say score 1 to the production for consistency in terms of timeline, I think. I am surprised HQG knows how to read, write and now this poem.

Oh! What night is tonight,

we are rowing on the river.

Oh! What day is today,

I get to share a boat with a prince.

The prince's kindness makes me shy,

I take no notice of the people's mocking cries.

Ignorant, but not uncared for,

I make acquaintance with a prince.


There are trees in the mountains and there are branches on the trees,

I adore you, oh! You do not know.

More info at

A lot of Oh! in the English translation. I'd rather prefer Elizabeth's more poetic way;

My love for you comes as natural as there being trees on mountains and branches on trees,

yet you know nothing of my love for you.

If this is Malaysian version;

My love for you comes as natural as there being trees on mountains and branches on trees,

There can be no love because our hills are barren, all trees chopped off. 

Anyway...Elizabeth explains;

I think with HQG, the verse that she wrote down is not important. In fact, it is the meaning of the next verse that she did not dare write that is what she wants to say.

See! Hero worshipping. The song showed BZH will see this hankie later on, with the same stony pursed lip expression. Now when I say stony I don't mean it was bad acting. Quite the contrary. Having seen a bit of Wallace Huo's past performances, including those he is proud to have starred in like those CCTV sort which is really really likes doing, I will say Bai Zihua is his BEST performance todate. I don't even rate Battle Of Changsha or Great Protector (both of which gave him more renowned reputation amongst hardcore CCTV sort of viewers as a serious actor serious in his craft to seriously hone his serious talented skills) as highly as I rate his performance as Bai Zihua. Reason is simple; BZH is a difficult role to play, tailor made for very few and even fewer can play it and combine elegance and wisdom and old age and sexy hotness and popular idol good looks all into one. Costumes help a lot, the do helps even more, the writing helps but in the end let's not kid ourselves. Journey Of Flower is a "popular idol" series, the story is towards that route but the anything is not that sort. Everybody is performing well, especially Zhao Liying who is most important in my book even if a few other actresses may be able to play HQG but Wallace, Wallace to me is on equal importance in the story (no HQG without BZH but BZH can standalone with his own superhero story-would love to read/watch how he began his road to cultivation to immortality), frankly he was mesmerizing.

Often many may see Journey Of Flower as HQG's story. I see it as BZH's story of his downfall. Years of cultivation, and in the end one can't have enough wisdom to pass the test of the heart. But then, one can't be said to have lived if they haven't loved. I hope the ending will be a positive one, and I don't hope to see the BZH the book depicts as controlling and paranoid. Somehow I feel if you could love, accept love, be loved and to love, after going through so many trials and tribulations and failed miserably like these 2 will, maybe that is also a path towards cultivation to the 10th phase in immortality. I mean why not? Maybe it is the ultimate test and by failing, you pass! Or maybe I am thinking of Chinese Paladin III's ending which I approve. Sorry, but I am of the personal opinion whilst to love and be loved is important, it is not be all and end all.

Have read fans' ranting why if BZH loves HQG so much why he kills her? If I have read right, she was on course to destroying the world, or so she led him to believe or perhaps she has the capabilities to destroy the world. We know with great power vested in an emotional person, things can get pretty horrific. So see it this way; he did it to save everyone. If he had let her live and she did go on to kill like everyone, what is the point? And of course, this is a story about a tragic love. No love more tragic than one where parties are separated by a defining act of either self sacrifice or upholding ones duty.

I quite rather like that sort of ending.

Point is, HQG, you should have just marry DFYQ and leave BZH alone. But since DFYQ had been manipulating you, you really had zero chance. Fate had played its upper hand, even BZH had to kow tow to fate. Being in love wasn't part of the equation but was an inevitable conclusion for a loner and a lonely girl finding one another.

Where's my tissue? No not to wipe my blood that I vomited but my tears of sorrow. How this series affect me is not beyond my understanding. Went through the same thing with BBJX and I never liked the lead girl. This one, this one is different. This is playing on my emotions. Haven't felt that a long time. Maybe I am a die hard romantic deep inside.

How old is Bai Zihua when he met 16 year old Hua Qiangu?

Answer : No sure. Some says 300, some says a thousand year old. Right now not sure at all.


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