The following is a semi recap plus review plus opinion on the specific episodes, emphasising more on the review than the recap. Spoilers alert and highly opinionated. Read at your peril.
There are quite a few great quotes to choose from in this episode, one I believe is SQM's signature quote that was famous in the book. But I decided to go for the less dramatic but pivotal line that will explain BZH's subsequent actions in subsequent episodes, simply because many ignores BZH's sacrifice and focused only on HQG's sacrifice when BZH sacrificed as much if not more than HQG.
Shifu, my fated calamity has arrived. I don't know if my decision is right or wrong. I need to protect the world but... I also need to protect my disciple - BZH
So remember, whatever BZH does after this, is to preserve HQG's life even if she has a death wish, just like her beloved. I am not ashamed to admit I am Camp BZH. I in fact blame HQG for most of his dilemmas. Without her, he has no dilemma.
This episode is not long but has a lot of dialogue all said in the mind or to oneself. It is the next episode that is devastating but then we have been preparing ourselves. However some funny mistake in here, much like the one where they were in the Cauldron during the famous wedding scene.
As BZH was about to leave, HQG called out to him to beg him to do 2 things;
1. To save Xiao Yue because he is innocent. She still thinks the power is within him and said with proper guidance from shifu, Xiao Yue can be a good person. BZH agreed.
2. To give to NMT the conch that Shuo Feng recorded his last message. He also agreed and took the conch. And here is where the film makers forgot to add the conch inside. Got sound effects, actors forming the hands as if holding the conch but no conch flying from HQG's hands to BZH's hands. See the pictures below...
On the epic scale of embarrassing mistakes, this is pretty high. Hopefully the film makers will add the special effect in the next rerun or DVD release if not that's just plain ignorance and laziness since this can be corrected. Kudos to Wallace who has perfected the "Conch Holding Effect". This adds to his "Great Performance" grading which is already A ++.
NMT is outside making a fuss, threatening to kill whoever that was stopping her from entering to kill HQG. Again she has on the "NMT does whatever wrong no one can see" aura because threatening to kill Changliu disciples is pretty heavy stuff and again she goes unpunished. BZH came out and told her quite plainly HQG will be inside until her trial and punishment and oh by the way, Shuo Feng became Flaming Crystal Jade and here is what is left of him; a conch. Of course NMT was pretty shocked, took it slowly and BZH left without a single expression on his face because you see, as he was walking out of the prison, his face was stony, but his eyes betrayed his emotions. His mind was spinning on how to preserve HQG's life. Remember, HER LIFE so whatever doesn't kill her is considered a success.
And so next we have NMT listening to Shuo Feng's final message which was in vain because that woman was beyond listening. He basically told her he didn't knew love until he met her and that HQG is innocent, she did not kill her dad and it was SCQ (NMT looked a tad shocked but she argued HQG may not have killed him, but she caused his death and seriously Shuo Feng should have recorded one for the 3 high priests) and he urged her not to make life difficult for HQG and just let go. A whole lot of words and all NMT could hear was her own jealousy that Shuo Feng left with HQG and died. Like I said, all said in vain. NMT cried her heart out and we have the obligatory 10 minutes or so long flashback on how they met, etc etc which further justified why when I was watching this scene, I felt nothing because their relationship was NOTHING. I couldn't stand it that I fast forwarded. Waste of my time. Later there was even a scene where NMT alone cried to HQG;
You took Bai Zihua from me! You took my shifu! Now you even take Shuo Feng! HQG! Must you take everything from me?! I have nothing! I HAVE NOTHING!!
Boo hoo hoo, cry me a river NMT! Drown me in your fake tears! You have nothing? HQG when she is done will not even have her soul! I don't pity NMT at all. Whilst she has yet to do anything deserving of what HQG will deserve, she hasn't done anything good either. She simmers in her own pool of jealousy and hatred, so much so she can't see reason and simply hates HQG. How can anyone pity such a self centred, self absorbed character? But like I said, at least she didn't unintentionally do bad things. In a way she is the opposite end of HQG and frankly if you look at them carefully, both just as bad. Someone who does nothing but ends up in hatred and someone who does innocent bad things and decisions that caused BZH a whole lot of problems.
BZH in his garden and with SXM and basically SXM volunteered to help HQG, like finding an excuse not to punish her too severely but BZH felt right is right, wrong is wrong and she must be punished. SXM was at the end of his patience and argued;
One is stubborn like hell and won't reveal the truth, the other is insistent on his own way. Both of you are the same! I will see how much longer you can stay stubborn like this!
But BZH's head was spinning. How? How? How? Only SXM couldn't see it. I think at this point BZH already knew what he was gonna do, question is how he is gonna do it.
DFYQ was with Donghua and he no longer had on the mask. Donghua asked him since he was near the success of his revenge scheme, how now does he feel? Truth is DFYQ doesn't feel too happy. He knows he owes HQG and has decided to help her in his own way. So his answer to Dong Hua's question is silence. There was no answer he could give because he couldn't even answer to himself satisfactorily.
MXL was leaving Changliu and he asked Qingshui for a favour; to stay and report to him about the outcome of HQG's matter. He seemed reluctant in asking her, and she seemed surprised but agreed. As he walked away, she cried. Another Zixun I tell you. Get over yourself. You knew his heart belongs to HQG. He is just asking you stay as a friend to make sure HQG is fine. And there she was crying like it was the meanest and most thoughtless request he had ever asked her to do.
Tang Bao couldn't even eat and begged Shiyi to help her to see HQG. And so he did, in fact they wanted to escape with her and Xiao Yue wanted to also but alas, HQG refused. She was ready to face her punishment. Everyone knew at this point the punishment will be very heavy, but not sure what but HQG didn't care. So they left. With Xiao Yue, she thought he still had the powers. She was convinced BZH will help Xiao Yue and to her as long as he and Tang Bao are fine, she will die without regrets. Xiao Yue knew the power resides in her and he told her in all probabilities she will be just fine. But to HQG she was ready because she said;
Only after I receive shifu's punishment will I be at peace with myself
I wonder if HQG knew BZH was gonna do what he was gonna do, would she had run away with DFYQ? Somewhere here she also said she only wished BZH will be merciful and let her die a quick death. I am just not sure who she said this to.

Suddenly Xiao Yue fainted and it was DFYQ appearing and of course HQG asked how he could come in and no answer. All he did was argued with her the wisdom of her decision not to tell the truth and he couldn't understand why she was so ready to sacrifice everything for BZH. Her reply was simple; she didn't want to complicate things for her shifu, she already made up her mind, she will not pull down Chang Liu and even Shu Shan's reputation. She did wrong, that's that. DFYQ felt if she didn't tell the truth, she will be punished severely and even BZH couldn't help her. DFYQ proposed they run and hide somewhere no one can find them but she refused. DFYQ plainly said she is so in love with her shifu now and HQG looked a tad surprised by that confrontation but does not deny that. And DFYQ suddenly grabbed her and kissed her. HQG was shocked and suddenly she couldn't tell her lie, like someone was stopping her and DFYQ said he learned this magic from the pavilion master and she will be forced to reveal the truth. HQG asked him how to reverse the effect and DFYQ told her she will have to kiss him. And she did, and DFYG looked at her sadly and said;
After all that has happened, you still believe all that I tell you ...
There was no way to reverse it and HQG wanted to protest but DFYQ grabbed her and hugged her and said to her that he was wrong, he will help her, he will save her, the first kiss was considered a repayment by her for all she had done for him and the 2nd kiss will be his promise to save her life during the trial. HQG strangely just let him hug her, no protest. Disciples came in to take HQG to the trial and DFYQ disappeared and Xiao Yue awakes and cries to her as she slowly leaves.
I seriously hate that the Demon God is a young man. When she said to BZH he is only a kid, I laughed. A kid? Dear lord, what a total miscast. He should have been a real kid. This guy is beyond a kid. I feel nothing for him.
Anyway HQG walked slowly to the open air place, absolutely almost everyone was there, our 3 high priests on their chairs, the sky is cloudless and clear and so you can imagine it is HOT HOT HOT.
Mo Yan read the charges, of course he started with YOU TRAITOROUS DISCIPLE OF CHANGLIU... so basically you knew where he was leaning towards in terms of her guilt. DFYQ was hiding and using magic to control whatever she said, she realised it and tried to fight if off but couldn't. She admitted the charges but denied killing NMT's dad, denied some salient points and BZH knew she was under control from DFYQ's powers. He said nothing. Then SXM asked her to tell the true full story as NMT was crying angry silent tears when her father was mentioned and NMT did mention SCQ killed her dad which Mo Yan refused to believe. But HQG refused to answer the question as to why she stole the deity items, as DFYQ tried to force her to say "To neutralise shifu's poison" but she refused and in her mind had a wordy battle with DFYQ. She refused to answer that question and rather die by biting her own tongue and blood flowed from her lips that surprised everyone and BZH was thinking what was it she was hiding that she'd rather bite her own tongue and DFYQ argued with HQG that why sacrifice all for BZH, tell him the truth, maybe he could then find excuses to help her, if not she will be punished severely but HQG again reiterated she has made up her mind, so does DFYQ wants to kill her now by her biting her tongue? He stopped and she shouted she admitted everything, she is ready for her punishment, just get on with it.
BZH looked crestfallen, now he had no excuse to stop the punishment and SXM also looked crestfallen and said that HQG has disappointed them all, put Changliu to shame, caused BZH great difficulties and she was unfilial, put Shu Shan in difficult position and so failed as a sect leader and took the oath of the tao blindly and so basically HQG wrong every section of everybody. Heavy stuff. SXM pronounced the sentence, strangely. HQG will be kicked out of Changliu and she will be punished with the piercing of 81 nails and the name itself is an indication of what effect it will do to her. Like Immortality Busting Nails or something. Shiyi said that is the harshest punishment. 66 immortals died from this punishment, those who survived was forever maimed. And I was like got 66 immortals who did such huge wrong that deserved such punishment? Woahhhh... anyway the effect is also that anyone without that level of cultivation not only dies but the soul is dispersed and they fade to nothing. SARFT decided to not allow the word REINCARNATION but the effect is no reincarnation, forever gone into oblivion and so this is the harshest punishment ever. Tang Bao cried running forward and everyone begged for mercy, and MXL arrived and realised the sentence and he wanted to take out his sword and then he saw HQG's silent begging looks and he stopped. HQG looked at all of them, her eyes averted her shifu's in shame as she is still scared of him and she said she deserved the punishment, she will take it but she begged BZH not to kick her out of Changliu. If she is to die, she wants to die as a Changliu disciple. Yun Yi rushed forward and said if Changliu dared to kill his sect leader, he and whole of Shu Shan will stop them but HQG told him to shut up, threw him the feather and said he is now the sect leader. Yun Yi could say no more. BZH looked at HQG and agreed to let her stay as Changliu disciple. Mo Yan wanted to protest but BZH shut him up by stating his decision is final. HQG felt extremely grateful and in her heart she thanked her shifu for still caring enough for her to let her die as Changliu disciple. That was all she ever wanted.
Suddenly there was a big rumble in the sky and it was a very angry SQM floating in the middle of the sea and SQM angrily said his most famous line in the book I believe;
Bai Zihua! If you dare to let your Changliu disciples hurt her even a little, I will destroy your entire sect. If you dare hurt her a little for the world, I will kill the entire world!!
He was so beautiful when he said it. And so punishment delayed a bit as BZH flew out to meet with SQM in one of the most beautiful confrontation scene. You see, the best is always BZH meeting DFYQ or BZH meeting SQM. Never BZH-SQM-DFYQ together since they had no reason to appear together in one scene. But this one, you know it will be exciting stuff but first, how beautiful you ask? See for yourself!
Never knew Changliu is located over volatile sea. I swear the sky was clear. Anyway SQM demanded BZH to release HQG, he was determined to take her away and frankly I feel BZH should have let SQM take her away. That will even save her. She was already in alliance with SQM anymore as thought by everyone else but for some reasons, BZH wanted to hold onto HQG and just let her suffer. Anyway, the exchange was dialogue gold when BZH looked at the angry emotional SQM coldly and issued a challenge;
What has this got to do with you? You want to take her, defeat me first
What ensued was the fiercest battle between them both as SCQ and gang attacked Changliu to save HQG and many died as HQG cried stop stop but the battle was so fierce that SQM took out his rarely seen sword. If they kept going I have a feeling SQM will lose because BZH went all out. Then they flew back to Changliu and BZH nearly hit SQM when SCQ took the hit for him and SQM was so angry beyond reason he wanted to go all out when disappointingly, SCQ knocked him out cold and flew away. Why? I wanted to see more!!
And so punishment continued. MXL didn't fight, he only requested he be allowed to stay to accompany HQG and HQG was grateful. Again MXL's role and actions seem to have been cut to being a bystander. DFYQ couldn't understand why make her go through the 81 nails punishment and yet be bothered enough to seal HQG's powers? He didn't know BZH sealed her demon powers?
HQG slowly walked to the pillar, so slow Mo Yan couldn't take it and shoved her to the pillar. Yeap, he couldn't wait.
He even took out the nails, didn't seem like 81 one of them or even 17 of them to be exact since BZH I think will take 64 nails? Anyway, lacking in nails that looked more like glass shards.
Very kind of him to not take out all 81 nails at once. He is like the happy eager executioner.
And HQG, small wee girl tied to the pillar, whose crime was supposedly so great because she caused the sects to kill one another for the desolate power when the sects were themselves greedy in the first place, who supposedly caused her shifu shame when she did it to save his life (and he knew it), whose actions went against the teachings of Tao which apparently did not include the part of being merciful towards a young wee girl... seriously screwed up. And the trial was like a kangaroo court. It was like so brief, so simple, and yet the punishment was literally soul crushing. At least she be allowed to defend herself by using the services of an advocate, such as DFYQ. I mean it was unfair and unjust in light of the punishment. And so HQG was strapped and the nails were flying towards her ...

She won't die but that is the start of the pinnacle of her suffering unless her real pinnacle of her suffering is BZH's refusal to say he loves her. But his actions in the next episode will show to you how much he cares because her decision in this episode caused a huge ripple in his monotonous stable life that in the end caused him even more suffering than her, but much less dramatic.
Next episode, BZH cries for HQG.
The best part of this episode is SQM being so angry and fighting that epic fierce battle with BZH which unfortunately had him knocked unconscious. Kinda anti climax. But what SQM did in a way caused HQG more misery because more people died because of her and BZH also knew that because he saw so many dead bodies on the floor. HQG would have saved more lives if she ran away with DFYQ or BZH does a deal with SQM to let him take HQG away. None of these were considered for reasons that I am not sure why because I suppose the drama would have been different. Moreover, BZH still thinks he can fix the problem whilst HQG wants to die as Changliu disciple. Frankly no one knew what was her punishment but since she expected death, she shouldn't have blamed anyone for the outcome which she didn't. But again due to her decision not to run away with either Tang Bao, DFYQ, MXL or SQM, and she had such great options and great many people to choose from, her decision to stay and face the punishment sows the seed of bitterness in her that will cause the death of DFYQ, Tang Bao, suffering for BZH and also SQM. In a way, her innocent decision kills and that is what is so frustrating to watch. So many options, just because the end had to be tragic, this was the path chosen. It was tragic for tragic sake. BZH being such a smart man and who is sometimes rather shrewd somehow did not display that same level of shrewdness when it comes to HQG. 1000 years of cultivation and he has lost all sense of proportion.
But I don't hate BZH. He did his best. It is HQG's decision that forced that many levels of tragedy. She ruined him, and she ruined everyone. She should have killed herself in prison. Problems solved. But she did what she did for her shifu, and her love for him is undeniable. His kindness and compassion for her is also undeniable. It is just that their actions have bearings over everyone.
Anyway until the next episode recap, here is one scene I like which I feel the effect is well done;
Frankly, I don't feel the burden of the world on his shoulders mainly because this series is obsessed over the burden of HQG on his shoulders. So I can only assume his problems also encompasses the world. In fact this series ever only has 1 villain and that is SQM and as a villain, SQM is not villain enough. So again it just goes back to the fact all the problems in the world, it is in the end all about HQG.
If you're wondering Funn why are you going so slow, I have a reason. Too much is overload for me.Somehow when I stopped, I didn't feel like watching but when I do watch, I just need to recap. Even if no one is reading. Hence the slowness.
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